simple plugin to
limit specific blocks from being
pushed by pistons.
Works on
1.21.X It
may work on older versions but it has
not been
This plugin was made with help from
It only has 1 command
/pistonlimits reload (To reload the plugin config).
pistonlimits.admin (To use /pistonlimits reload)
Disclaimer this plugin uses Bstats, more info on BStats.org
Code (YAML):
# PistonLimits plugin config - 1.0.2 # Messages messages:
reload_success: "&dPistonLimits &econfiguration reloaded &asuccessfully&e." no_permission: "&cYou do not have permission to use this command."
# Blocks limited from being pushed by pistons, they must be added in all caps. # You can also add "*" in order to block all blocks from being pushed by pistons. # Piston and Sticky Piston have been added as an example, you can remove them if you want. blocked-blocks: # - "*" # This blocks all blocks from being pushed by pistons, you can uncomment it for it to work. - PISTON