What adds
Now you can get a safe with a graphic PIN codes. You can place it and enter the PIN code. Now to open it, you need to enter the PIN code. The safe can be any block.The size of the safe's inventory can be from 1 to 54 slots.
How to use
Use the paper or its forks. Transfer the jar file to the plugins folder. Start the server. You can customize the plugin in the PINSafe/config.yml file. Use command /getpinsafe <1...54> to get a safe.
By opening config.yml you can configure:
- Which block will serve as a safe
- How the safe will look in your inventory
- What will happen to the resource safe when it is broken
- All menus: title and decorative items
- You can adjust all the sounds, their speed and volume
- All messages
There are also permissions:
- pinsafe.command - Who can use the command
- pinsafe.createsafe - Who can create a safe
- pinsafe.opensafe - Who can open the safe
- pinsafe.opensafenopassword - Who can open the safe without entering a password