#Added: command /psc playerstats to view a player's playerstats (i. e. toggle option status).
#Added: permission phantomspawncontrol.cmd.playerstats (default: op).
#Added: permission phantomspawncontrol.cmd.toggle.other (default: op) to toggle another player's phantom spawning.
#Added: %player% placeholder for messages.toggle.enable and messages.toggle.disable
#Added: option messages.cmd.prefix to configure the plugin's command prefix.
#Changed: toggle command now has an optional parameter for the player for which phantom spawning should be toggled.
#Changed: default values for messages.toggle.enable and messages.toggle.disable.
IMPORTANT: This update needs an addition to the current config. Please compare the message section at the very bottom with the following and edit it accordingly.
Code (YAML):
# Configure nearly all messages. toggle.enable and toggle.disable support the placeholder %player% for the player name. messages:
cmd: # This is the prefix of all command message outputs. An empty string will result in the default prefix. prefix: "" credits: "Use /psc help for all available commands." noPerm: "&4You do not have permission." wrongCmdUsagePrefix: "&CUsage:" noPlayerMsg: "&CThere is no such player." toggle:
help: "toggles phantom spawning" enable: "&2Phantom spawning was activated for %player%." disable: "&4Phantom spawning was deactivated for %player%." playerstats:
help: "shows the playerstats of a specific player"
I would highly appreciate some more/new ratings. Thanks in advance!