Been using this plugin for just over a year now, my players love it; and every single issue I have run into the developer has gone out of his way to make things work for me. I joined the discord, having an issue with a feature that had not even been listed on the spigot page. Within a few days, he not only was able to fix my issue-(which was empty prefix defaulting to normal prefix) he added hex support so this plugin could blend in seamlessly with my other plugins.
Amazing plugin, works as intended. I did not realize this plugin did not have placeholders before purchase if that's a requirement for you then I would hold off until that update is released. Besides that, I haven't seen another mob plugin work as well as this one has.
The plugin does what is promised in the description. The developer is helping! Recommend for those who need to fix the behavior of the Phantoms to be more vanilla.
Thanks for your review! I do not really understand what you mean with your feature request so you may want to consider explaining it further in the discussion section :)
Version: 3.0.0
The highlight of this plugin must be the naturally spawning giant phantoms, which made this unused feature approachable while adding more challenge to non-resting survival.