PhantomSpawnControl [1.13.X - 1.20.X] icon

PhantomSpawnControl [1.13.X - 1.20.X] -----

Fully control phantom spawning. Custom Spawn Algorithm, Stats and LootTables!

Massive Update: Loot Tables, Command Rework, Wiki!
Changelog v4.0.0:

#Added: help command for every (sub-)command. Just type "help" as first parameter of the sub-command.
#Added: option "name" to giantPhantom's set command to configure a giant_phantom's name. Use value "reset" to reset the name. Bukkit color codes aka. "&2" etc. are supported!

#Added: ability to configure custom lootTables. Configurations will be saved in giantPhantomLootTables.yml.
#Added: ability to inherit a lootTable's loot from a child. Parents will also add their children's loot when populated.
#Added: option/sub-command "lootTable" to giantPhantom's set command to add/remove a registered lootTable to a giantPhantom.
#Added: ability to apply custom weights (integers) to a giantPhantom's lootTables in order to make some more likely to drop. For example a lootTable with weight 5 is 5 times likelier to drop than a lootTable with weight 1. Please note that the weight parameter is set for each giantPhantom individually.

#Added: command /psc giantPhantoms set <score> loottable add/remove <name> [<weight>] to add/remove a lootTable to a giantPhantom. The weight is an optional integer which can be set in order to make the lootTable more likely to drop.
#Added: command /psc lootTables list to list all registered lootTables.
#Added: command /psc lootTables add <name> to register a lootTable.
#Added: command /psc lootTables remove <name> to unregister a lootTable.
#Added: command /psc lootTables edit <name> loot to edit a lootTables direct loot. This may not be the populated loot!
#Added: command /psc lootTables edit <name> children add/remove <child> to add/remove a child to the given lootTable.
#Added: command /psc lootTables populate to open an inventory with the loot this lootTable will populate.

#Added: permission phantomspawncontrol.cmd.giantphantoms.* (wildcard permission)
#Added: permission phantomspawncontrol.cmd.giantphantoms
#Added: permission phantomspawncontrol.cmd.giantphantoms.set.* (wildcard permission)
#Added: permission phantomspawncontrol.cmd.giantphantoms.set.stats
#Added: permission phantomspawncontrol.cmd.giantphantoms.set.loottable
#Added: permission phantomspawncontrol.cmd.loottables.* (wildcard permission)
#Added: permission phantomspawncontrol.cmd.loottables
#Added: permission phantomspawncontrol.cmd.loottables.list
#Added: permission phantomspawncontrol.cmd.loottables.add
#Added: permission phantomspawncontrol.cmd.loottables.remove
#Added: permission phantomspawncontrol.cmd.loottables.populate
#Added: permission phantomspawncontrol.cmd.loottables.edit

#Changed: updated EssentialsX dependency to v2.17.2
#Changed: updated commons code to v1.8.0. This massively improves the commands, in particular:
#Changed: the credits (aka. my name) is now clickable and will open my profile page on spigot.
#Changed: sent messages make now use of the BaseComponent API which allows click events (like above) or hover events.
#Changed: commands are now easier to maintain.
#Changed: every (sub-)command will now generate its own help command.
#Changed: every (sub-)command will now generate its own usage message.
#Changed: made changing of data via commands async.
#Changed: did some heavy code cleanup to improve maintainability.
#Changed: improved performance of phantomStats slightly.
#Changed: reworked debug mode to be more precise.
#Changed: the color of the reload command from green to dark_green.
#Changed: relocated config option to
#Changed: renamed all previous commands to configure giantPhantoms, in particular:
#Changed: renamed /psc list to /psc giantPhantoms list
#Changed: renamed /psc add to /psc giantPhantoms add
#Changed: renamed /psc remove to /psc giantPhantoms remove
#Changed: renamed /psc summon to /psc giantPhantoms summon
#Changed: renamed /psc set to /psc giantPhantoms set
#Changed: the old giantPhantom's set command was "replaced" with /psc giantPhantoms set <score> stats <option> <value>
#Changed: all previous permissions regarding the renamed commands, in particular:
#Changed: renamed permission phantomspawncontrol.cmd.list to phantomspawncontrol.cmd.giantphantoms.list
#Changed: renamed permission phantomspawncontrol.cmd.add to phantomspawncontrol.cmd.giantphantoms.add
#Changed: renamed permission phantomspawncontrol.cmd.remove to phantomspawncontrol.cmd.giantphantoms.remove
#Changed: renamed permission phantomspawncontrol.cmd.set to phantomspawncontrol.cmd.giantphantoms.set
#Changed: renamed permission phantomspawncontrol.cmd.summon to phantomspawncontrol.cmd.giantphantoms.summon

IMPORTANT: Be aware of the new needed parent permission phantomspawncontrol.cmd.giantphantoms!

#Fixed: PhantomStatsContainer was not thread safe.
#Fixed: possible complications regarding commons code with some of my other plugins.
#Fixed: api version in plugin.yml was still 1.13

#Removed: ability to configure sent messages for all commands which where categorized as operator commands, in particular:
#Removed: config section
#Removed: config section messages.cmd.add
#Removed: config section messages.cmd.remove
#Removed: config section messages.cmd.set
#Removed: config section messages.cmd.summon

IMPORTANT: This update needs editing of the existing config. Please remove everything named on the changelog as removed and add the following to the messages.toggle section (you can always compare the config with the one on the plugin's main page):
Code (YAML):
help : "toggles phantom spawning"
You might want to move it from the old location

As you can see a lot of work was done before publishing this update. Let me give you some closing words:

Because I had to rewrite all commands I decided to not support changing the messages of all commands which I categorized as operator commands. If you really feel like you need one of the removed options, feel free to contact me.

This update is quite a monster I will admit and I am very glad to finally be able to publish it. However such large updates come with various different bug possibilities. I think I tested everything but you never know so please report bugs as soon as possible in the discussion section.

After finishing coding I felt like doing a proper wiki on github before editing the whole plugin's main page on spigot. I hope you like it - feel free to make any suggestions! PhantomSpawnControl Wiki on Github

Best regards

PS: With this update I definitively think the plugin has reached another milestone in terms of quality and scope. Therefore the price will be upped to 12 euros.
----------, Apr 16, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 144
First Release: Oct 6, 2019
Last Update: May 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
11 ratings
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