First update, woohoo!!
Important notes
- If you have permissions set, you'll have to change
personalphantoms to
pp at the beginning of each of the permission nodes
- The
no-phantoms list is no longer stored in
plugin/PersonalPhantoms/data.yml. Instead, the plugin will use scoreboard tags to mark players for no phantoms. The plugin will automatically convert the old YML/file data to scoreboard tags when the player joins the server, so there's nothing you need to do!
- If you were using the plugin as a dependency in your own plugin (why?), the
Main class was renamed to
- Now using scoreboard tags instead of a YML file (old data conversion is automatic)
- Reorganized/cleaned up messages for toggling phantoms
- Renamed
personalphantoms to just
pp in permissions to shorten them
- Renamed
Main class to
As always, please report any bugs you find or ideas you have on the
GitHub Issue Tracker.