This is a simple perks plugin with mysql support that gives the player different effects and abilities when perks are acitvated.
- Glow
- No Hunger
- Lava Resistance
- No Fall Damage
- Water Breath
- Keep Xp
- Keep Inventory
- Strength
- Speed
- Night Vision
- Jump
- Haze
- Fly
If you want to give you or a player a perk you can run the command /perkitem. If you right click the item the perk will be redeemed and you can activate it with /perks.
/perks - opens perk gui
/perkitem - gives you an item to redeem a perk | perks.giveitem
/perkview - opens the perk gui from another player | perks.perkview
/fly - makes you fly when the fly perk is activated |,
permission for all commands: perks.*
Code (YAML):
MySQL: use: false
host: "" port: "" database: "" username: "" passwort: "" perks: glow:
displayname: "&8◦ &eGlow &8◦" lore: "&8» &7This perk makes you glow." material: BEACON
displayname: "&8◦ &6No Hunger &8◦" lore: "&8» &7With this perk you won't get hungry anymore." material: COOKED_BEEF
displayname: "&8◦ &cLava-Resistance &8◦" lore: "&8» &7This perk protects you against lava." material: LAVA_BUCKET
displayname: "&8◦ &5No Fall Damage &8◦" lore: "&8» &7This perk protects you against fall damage." material: FEATHER
displayname: "&8◦ &9Water-Breath &8◦" lore: "&8» &7This perk lets you breathe underwater." material: WATER_BUCKET
displayname: "&8◦ &cKeep-XP &8◦" lore: "&8» &7With this perk you keep your xp on death." material: EXPERIENCE_BOTTLE
displayname: "&8◦ &3Keep-Inventory &8◦" lore: "&8» &7With this perk you keep your inventory on death." material: CHEST
displayname: "&8◦ &4Strength &8◦" lore: "&8» &7This perk gives you more strength." material: DIAMOND_SWORD
displayname: "&8◦ &aSpeed &8◦" lore: "&8» &7This perk makes you run faster." material: SLIME_BALL
displayname: "&8◦ &9Night-Vision &8◦" lore: "&8» &7This perk gives you night vision." material: SOUL_TORCH
displayname: "&8◦ &bJump &8◦" lore: "&8» &7This perk lets you jump higher." material: RABBIT_FOOT
displayname: "&8◦ &6Haze &8◦" lore: "&8» &7This perk lets you break blocks faster." material: GOLDEN_PICKAXE
displayname: "&8◦ &5Fly &8◦" lore: "&8» &7This perk gives you access to fly." material: ELYTRA
page1_title: "Perks page 1" page2_title: "Perks page 2" items:
displayname: "%perk% &7*Rightclick to Redeem*" lore: "&7That's a perk item. Activate it with &b/perks&7." forward:
displayname: "&8◦ &econtinue &8◦" backward:
displayname: "&8◦ &eback &8◦" button:
displayname: "&aactivated" lore: "&7&oClick to deactivate" deactivated:
displayname: "&cdeactivated" lore: "&7&oClick to activate" not_unlocked:
displayname: "&cNot unlocked" info:
displayname: "&8◦ &eInfo &8◦" lore: "&8» §7Write here an information e.g how you can receive perks" messages:
prefix: "&9&lPerks &8»" no_permission: "&cYou don't have permission to execute this
command!" already_owns_perk: "&cYou already own this perk!" add_perk: "&aYou added the perk %perk%." fly_command:
doesnt_has_perk: "&cYou have to activate the fly-perk to use this command!" can_fly: "&7You can now fly." cannot_fly: "&7You can not longer fly." other_can_fly: "&b%player% &7can now fly." other_cannot_fly: "&b%player% &7can not longer fly." wrong_usage: "&cUsage: /fly" not_online: "&cThis player is not' online!" perk_item_command:
not_exists: "&cThis perk doesn't exist!" item_received: "&aYou received the perk-item %perk%" wrong_usage: "&cUsage: /perkitem <perk>" no_permission: "&cYou don't have permission to execute this command!" perk_view_command: own_perk: "&cUse /perks to see your own perks!" not_in_cache: "&cPlayer is not saved in cache!" wrong_usage: "&cUsage: /perkview <player>" no_permission: "&cYou don't have permission to execute this command!"
You can set MySQL in the config to "true" if you want to store the data in a database.