# Hope you'll like the plugin
# If you would like to help, consider leaving a review.
# Need help? Join my discord.
# Most of these are pretty much self-explanatory.
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Duty mode enable and disable commands are at the bottom.
# World change commands too!
# --------------------------------------------------------
duty-enabled: "&bYou have entered duty mode. Type /duty to exit."
duty-disabled: "&3You are no longer in duty mode."
player-not-found: "&cPlayer not found."
teleported: "&bTeleported to&f %player%"
returned: "&bReturned to your duty start location."
no-start-location: "&cNo start location found."
duty-enabled-for: "&bYou have enabled duty for&f %player%"
duty-enabled-by: "&bYour duty mode has been enabled by &f%sender%"
already-in-duty: "&c%player% is already in duty mode."
duty-disabled-for: "&cYou have disabled duty for&f %player%"
duty-disabled-by: "&cYour duty mode has been disabled by&f %sender%"
not-in-duty: "&c%player% is not in duty mode."
you-not-in-duty: "&cYou are not in duty mode."
help: "&eDuty Commands:\n&e/duty - Toggle duty mode on/off\n&e/duty tp <player> - Teleport to a player\n&e/duty back - Go back to the start location\n&e/duty forceon <player> - Force duty mode on for a player\n&e/duty forceoff <player> - Force duty mode off for a player\n&e/duty help - Show this help message\n&e/duty list - List players in duty mode\n&e/duty calm <player> - Send a calming message to a player"
no-duty-players: "&eNo players are currently in duty mode."
duty-players: "&ePlayers in duty mode:"
calm: "&aA staff member will teleport to you and assist you pretty soon."
calm-sent: "&bCalm message sent to&f %player%"
# I personally recommend using staff chat to inform that a player entered duty mode.
# IMPORTANT: God and fly mode is not enabled whenever you enter duty mode! To enable
# This you will need EssentialsX or any other plugin.
# I highly recommend CMI by Zrips because it can make God and fly mode message silent!
# Commands are executed from console so ya know what to do
- "staffchat &c%player% &7has entered duty mode."
# - "cmi god %player% true -s"
# - "cmi fly %player% true -s"
- "staffchat &c%player% &7has exited duty mode."
# - "cmi god %player% false -s"
# - "cmi fly %player% false -s"
- "staffchat &c%player% &7has changed world while in duty mode."
# - "cmi god %player% true -s"
# - "cmi fly %player% true -s"
# This option won't work any more. If you want to enable flight on every time
# when you change your world, set it up on the list above above.
enable-flight-on-world-change: false
# Default: false
# I don't recommend setting this option to true as it may cause some issues.
# This option will be removed soon in the future.
# So if you want to enable flight on world change you can set it up
# on world-change-commands. It works perfectly fine.
# You have reached the end of the config file. It was that simple.
# Pretty cool isn't it?