PassengerAPI | Entity Passenger Bug Fixes & more icon

PassengerAPI | Entity Passenger Bug Fixes & more -----

Fix passenger compatibility issues | Manage your own entity passengers

Why Use PassengerAPI?
It solves compatibility issues that may arise when different plugins create entities
by sending packets to players and setting them as passengers.
This can lead to conflicts and unintended behavior like unmounting of previous set passengers by other plugins.

  1. Get Packet Events
  2. Put the jar of PassengerAPI and PacketEvents into your plugins folder
  3. Restart your server

With this plugin:
As many entities as you want, can be stacked now as passengers by multiple plugins without bugs.

For example this makes these plugins automatically compatible with each other:

As you can see in the video:

The Chat Bubbles and capes are cannot be set as a passenger at the same time without PassengerAPI!

Reason for this is that they are both two different plugins, which are sending their own passenger packet.

This plugin works out-of-the-box!
Just put it into your plugins folder and restart your server.
It should fix most entity passenger compatibility bugs with other plugins

BUT if you are a developer you can still add/access/remove passengers using this API!

For example if you want to remove a passenger from an entity, without killing it, this could be usefull.

Getting Started with the API

(If your entities are not packet based, use Entity#addPassengers())

1. Add PassengerAPI as a compile-only dependency to your plugin.
Code (Text):
repositories {
    maven { url '' }
dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.max1mde:PassengerAPI:1.1.1'
(For maven or other look here:
2. Add the following line to your `plugin.yml` file:
Code (Text):
- PassengerAPI
More information about how to use the API is on the GitHub repo!


Problems with the plugin, API or do you wanna suggest a feature?
Before you write a bad review ask for support on the discord server or open an issue on github
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 681
First Release: May 29, 2024
Last Update: Jul 30, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
1 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings