A great plugin! I have suggestions to make this plugin more viable for all situations, such as: blakclist to prevent players from sending certain items or a whitelist so only specific items can be sent.
Thank you for your review, I'm not actively mantaining this plugin, but I'm open to requests.
Version: 1.0
Muy bueno! Estaría bueno que le hagas updates constantemente. Es muy buena la idea. También faltaría poder editar todos los mensajes, títulos, errores de mensajes por ejemplo que necesita la cantidad necesaria para usar un loro, etc. También un menu interactivo donde seleccionar el color del nombre y poner el item ahí mismo.
Neat plugin, I love it! As I've read, more animal types would be a great expansion, along with hooks into vault for shops and exchange, and an inventory system that would correspond with the size of the animal sent. But it is perfect for what we are already doing.
very good plugin, but lacks flexibility in config, for example 1) parrot flies away
2) inventory
3) transfer cancellation, with a refund)
but this plugin inspired me off, this is my guess about plugin, I wish you success in creating this plugin, this is a really good plugin)
The plugin is beautiful <3 congratulations, but I don't know if I could suggest that I let you send something to the other player around this because it tells me that it must be outside despite having a considerable distance and also the issue of time (that can be configure more or less the minimum distance and how often) and in the future maybe you could add some more animals. Seriously congratulations you look very pretty.
Fixed my issue when using paper after talking to the dev and the plugin is FLAWLESS, I hope it gets the recognition it deserves and I wish the developer all the best. Amazing plugin all together.