Plugin Information __________________________________________________________
This plugin provides a simple and efficient solution for managing material currency in Minecraft, with built-in anti-dupe measures.
Note: The future development and maintenance of this plugin depend on its popularity and usefulness, as there may be other alternative plugins available.
Features __________________________________________________________
- Easy-to-use interface for hassle-free currency management.
- Quick redemption of banknotes by right-clicking.
- Seamless integration with Vault for smooth economy and money handling.
- Robust anti-dupe system to prevent duplicate banknotes.
- Flexibility to use any material as currency.
- Convenient withdrawal of any desired amount.
- Automated punishment for attempted currency duplication.
- Configurable minimum and maximum transaction limits.
- Optional tax on banknotes for additional economy balance.
- Maximum withdrawal limit to control in-game currency flow.
- Discord webhook alerts for important currency-related events.
- Unique sound effects for each player rank or role.
- Eye-catching currency glow effect to enhance visual appeal.
- Display currency information through minimessages, actionbars, and titles.
- Support for multi-world blacklist
- Support any placeholder in lore
- Introduction of a new loan system for advanced currency management.
- Custom module data support with free texture pack (download from github)
- hex colour support in full plugin
Installation __________________________________________________________
1. Download the plugin and Vault from the Spigot page.
2. Place the downloaded files into the 'plugins' folder of your Minecraft server.
3. Restart the server to load the plugin and dependencies.
4. Grant the necessary permissions to players as desired.
5. Enjoy the seamless management of material currency.
Dependency: Vault + any economy plugin + placeholderapi
Permissions __________________________________________________________
- pc.withdraw: Grants permission to withdraw currency.
- pc.redeem: Grants permission to redeem banknotes.
- pc.admin: Grants administrative access to the plugin.
- pc.withdrawall: Grants permission to withdraw all available currency.
- Grants permission to use the loan system.
- pc.balance: #see total xp and money in banknotes
Commands __________________________________________________________
- /papercurrency withdraw <amount> or /papercurrency withdraw <amount> xp: Withdraw a specified amount of currency.
- /pcreload: Reload the plugin configuration.
- /pc give <player>/all <amount> or /pc give <player>/all <amount> xp: Give a specific player or all players a certain amount of currency.
- /pcmax withdraw or /pcmax withdraw xp: Withdraw the maximum allowed currency amount.
- /pcrandom give <player> <min> <max> or /pcrandom give <player> <min> <max> xp: Give a random amount of currency within the specified range to a player.
- /pcbalance #see total xp and money in banknotes
Placeholders __________________________________________________________
- %papercurrency_totaltax% (shows total tax collected from vault)
- %papercurrency_totaltaxxp% (shows total tax collected from xp)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) __________________________________________________________
Q. How does the anti-dupe feature work? A: The plugin assigns a unique UUID to each banknote when it is created and saves it. When a banknote is redeemed, the plugin checks if the UUID has been previously used, effectively preventing duplication.
Q. Is there a chance of duplicating banknotes? A: While it is technically possible to create duplicate banknotes, the plugin's anti-dupe system recognizes duplicated UUIDs and does not add any additional currency when redeemed.
Q. Is there a risk of false bans? A: No, the plugin includes the "punishsame" option, which only issues a ban if the note creator and redeemer are the same player. Otherwise, it provides a warning and does not add currency from duplicated banknotes.
Q. Got a null error when using command? A: Install placeholderapi to fix it or just replace %formatter_number
format%amount%% with %amount% you will not need placeholderapi
Todo List __________________________________________________________
- every transaction logger
- logger for note redeemed by another player
Disclaimer __________________________________________________________
You are welcome to suggest any changes to improve the plugin.
If you encounter any issues or want any feature, please use the discussion section or the GitHub for now on.
Discord _________________________________ just for faster support link Video __________________________________________________________
Code (YAML):
#common settings item: 'PAPER'
name: '☆⁺˚*♡
#fb0000P#fb1500a#fb2a00p#fa3f00e#fa5400r#fa6900c#fa7f00u#f99400r#f9a900r#f9be00e#f9d300n#f8e800c#f8fd00y♡⁺˚*☆' glow: true
#per-person banknote create limit limitvault: 1000
limitxp: 1000
custom_data_vault: 2222
custom_data_xp: 2222
#helps to convert notes from 1.5 to latest legacy: false
#if note creator and redeemer is same then no tax, if both are different then tax goes to server taxother: false
#---------------------------------- #if punishment is true plugin will ban when dupe found #if punishmentsame is true plugin will only ban if the note maker and redeemer is same #this prevents false ban when dupe notes distributed(no one will get money and dupe message will still comes) punishment: false
punishmentsame: true
#you can put ban, kick, ipban etc punish: 'ban'
banmessage: 'found you duping'
#---------------------------------- #add ranks which will have sounds ranks: - vip
- default
#get sound from here #global sound is for those which are not in ranks list sound:
volume: 1
pitch: 0
#---------------------------------- actionbar: true
title: true
round: true
#---------------------------------- #discord webhook webhook: false
#To get this link goto settings channel in which you want message to be sent then Integrations #create new webhook there and copy paste here url: ''
#--------------------------------- #add worlds which you want to allow worlds: - 'world'
- 'world_nether'
- 'world_the_end'
- 'pvp'
#--------------------------------- message:
dupe: '&cDuper found
%player% is redeemer and %player1% is note creater' discord: 'Duper found
%player% is redeemer and %player1% is note creater' world: '&cThis command is not allowed in this world'
limit: '&cReached creation limit'
balance: '&fYou have &6
%totalxp%&2xp &fand &2$&6%totalvault%'
#--------------------------------- #economy settings pc:
min: 1
max: 100000000
# 1=no tax, 0.1=10% 0.2=20% #10/100=0.1 tax: 0.1
message: #you can use placeholderapi as shown #dont forget to /papi ecloud download Formatter #or what ever you use lore: - '
#fb0000+#ef030d-#e20619-#d60926-#ca0c33-#bd0f3f-#b1114c-#a51459-#981765-#8c1a72-#801d7f-#73208b-#672398-#5a26a4-#4e29b1-#422cbe-#352eca-#2931d7-#1d34e4-#1037f0-#043afd+' - '&bAmount - &6$&2
%formatter_number_format_%amount%%' - '&7by
%player% &7on &8%date%' - '&7Tax: &d%tax%%' - '
#fb0000+#ef030d-#e20619-#d60926-#ca0c33-#bd0f3f-#b1114c-#a51459-#981765-#8c1a72-#801d7f-#73208b-#672398-#5a26a4-#4e29b1-#422cbe-#352eca-#2931d7-#1d34e4-#1037f0-#043afd+' redeem: '&a
%amount%- amount of banknote is added to balance' amount: '&eYou dont have
%amount%' actionbar: '&6>> &6$&a
%amount%- amount of banknote is added to balance &6<<' title: '&6>> &6$&a
%amount%- amount of banknote is added to balance &6<<' #------------------------------ #xp settings xp:
min: 1
max: 1000
# 1=no tax, 0.1=10% 0.2=20% #10/100=0.1 tax: 1
lore: - '&6+
- '&bAmount - &2
%amount% &6xp' - '&7by
%player% &7on &8%date%' - '&7Tax: &d%tax%%' - '&6+
redeem: '&a
%amount%- amount of xp is added to balance' amount: '&eYou dont have
%amount% xp' actionbar: '&6>> &a
%amount%- amount of xp is added to balance &6<<' title: '&6>> &a
%amount%- amount of xp is added to balance &6<<' #-------------------------------------------------- loan:
min: 1
max: 10000
#in % intrest: 2
increment: 1
#in sec every: 60
maxintrest: 100
#delay in seconds and -1 to stop reminders reminder: 3600
negative: '&cNegetive or zero loan not allowed'
loan: '&2loan recived of $
%amount%' already: '&cyou already have a loan of $
%amount%' fullpay: '&2Full amount paid of $
%amount%' notpaid: '&eFull amount not paid, You still have $
%amount% to pay' repay: '&2You dont have
any loan'
reminder: 'You have
%amount% loan dont forget to pay'