#Cooldown to start the game when reaching the minimum amount of players.
arena_starting_cooldown: 20
#Duration of the game.
arena_time_default: 360
#Duration of the last phase when ending the game.
arena_ending_phase_cooldown: 10
#When enabled, players will be able to choose their team before the game starts.
choose_team_system: true
#Lives of each team.
team_starting_lives_default: 100
#Invulnerability period in seconds when a user is killed.
respawn_invulnerability: 4
#How many snowballs will the player receive when doing a kill.
snowballs_per_kill: 8
#The initial amount of snowballs of the players when the game starts.
initial_snowballs: 64
#How many killcoins does the player will receive when doing a kill.
#You can use "-" to set a random number between two numbers. "1-3" means the player could will 1, 2 or 3 killcoins.
coins_per_kill: "1-2"
#When creating a player top hologram using /rvp createtophologram command, how many players should the hologram display?
top_hologram_number_of_players: 10
#How often should the top holograms be updated? (in seconds)
top_hologram_update_time: 300
#Type of economy used for the Paintball Shop. You can use "paintball", "vault" or "token_manager".
economy_used: "paintball"
#If this option is set to true, players will receive the rewards when they are teleported back to the lobby. This allows you to give Item rewards, but if the user leaves the game when the arena is finishing, he won't receive any reward. If the option is set to false, players will receive the rewards inside the arena, just right after finishing the game.
rewards_executed_after_teleport: false
#If enabled, a message will be sent to all players in these worlds when a paintball arena is about to start.
enabled: true
- "paintball"
- "lobby"
#Here you can create your own teams to define when setting up an arena. It doesn't necessarily must be the name of a color. You can add your own armor color for each team using the color ID from this link:
name: "&1&lBlue"
color: 18175
item: "BLUE_WOOL"
name: "&4&lRed"
color: 16711680
item: "RED_WOOL"
#These commands will be enabled when playing.
- "/paintball leave"
- "/help"
#Whether the Paintball chat system should be enabled or not.
arena_chat_enabled: true
#The chat format when playing Paintball.
arena_chat_format: "&f<&8[&7%team%&8] &a%player%&f> %message%"
#The leave item will appear when the game is starting and finishing.
leave_item_enabled: true
#The killstreaks item is used for opening the KillStreaks menu and will appear during the game.
killstreaks_item_enabled: true
#The hats item is used to select a hat which gives special abilities before the game.
hats_item_enabled: true
#The play again item will appear when the game is finishing.
play_again_item_enabled: true
#Commands to be executed to the winners/losers/ties of a game.
#You can use the %random% variable to generate a random number, using the final kills of the player, just follow this format:
min and max values could be a formula. You can use the 'kills' variable in this formula.
- "msg %player% &aYou've won! Here, take this reward."
- "paintball givecoins %player% %random_10*kills-20*kills%"
#You need to use a valid sound name for your Minecraft Version
#Format: "Sound;Volume;Pitch"
killedBySound: "BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING;10;0.1"
expireKillstreakSound: "BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASEDRUM;10;2"
snowballShootSound: "ENTITY_ARROW_SHOOT;10;0.5"
hatAbilityActivatedSound: "BLOCK_CHEST_OPEN;10;1.5"
explosiveHatSound: "ENTITY_GENERIC_EXPLODE;10;1"
startCooldownSound: "BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING;10;1"
startGameSound: "BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING;10;2"
#Here you can define the particle to display when throwing snowballs. You should use particles listed here:
Set it to 'none' to not display particles.
snowball_particle: SNOW_SHOVEL
#Players will be able to buy killstreaks during a game using killcoins. Each of the killstreaks have their own properties.
#You need to use a valid item Name for your Minecraft Version
#For the activateSound the format is "sound;volume;pitch;global" If you add the "global" argument it means all of the players in the game will hear it.
#You can disable a killstreak by setting the slot to -1
name: "&6&lMore Snowballs"
- "&7You will receive 32 extra snowballs."
- ""
- "&7Cost: &a2 Killcoins"
- ""
- "&aClick to activate!"
slot: 0
snowballs: 32
cost: 2
activateSound: "ENTITY_VILLAGER_YES;10;1"
#Players will be able to select an already unlocked hat from the shop. Here you can define their properties.
name: "&6&lJump Hat"
- "&7Gives you Jump I when sneaking for"
- "&710 seconds."
- ""
- "&7Status: %status%"
duration: 10
cooldown: 30