OwnerOP icon

OwnerOP -----

This plugin will allow you to give yourself op without having to enter the command in the console!

[OwnerOp] - Grant Yourself OP Status with a Command!
Version: 1.2
Minecraft: 1.20.4

OwnerOp is a simple and efficient plugin that allows players with the appropriate permissions to grant themselves operator (OP) status using the /opo command. It's ideal for server owners and trusted players who need quick access to operator privileges.

  • Command /opo: Allows players with the OpOwner.per permission to grant themselves operator status.
  • OP Status Check: Notifies the player if they already have operator status.
  • Notifications: Stylized messages inform players about the success or failure of their attempt to grant themselves operator status.
  • OpOwner.per: Permission required to use the /opo command. By default, this permission is assigned to server operators.
  1. Download the JAR File: Download the latest version of the OwnerOp5ive plugin.
  2. Move to plugins Folder: Copy the downloaded JAR file to the plugins folder in your Minecraft server directory.
  3. Restart the Server: Restart your Minecraft server to load the new plugin.
  1. Check Permissions: Ensure you have the OpOwner.per permission (this can be managed using a permissions plugin like LuckPerms.Example command to grant permission: /lp group [RANK]* permission set OpOwner.per true).
  2. Use the Command: Log in to the server as a player and type /opo. If you have the appropriate permissions, you will receive operator status.
[RANK]* - enter the owner's name here
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 93
First Release: Jul 12, 2024
Last Update: Jul 12, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
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