Ore Regeneration and Mines icon

Ore Regeneration and Mines -----

Mines and regenerating ore nodes

Hey everyone!
This time around, I don't anything big, just a change I made for someone who reached out to me.

In the drops.yml, in the regions section, you can disable the drops from specific blocks. You may want to do this if you already has a plugin that gives the block a custom drop.

Here is an example drops.yml that disables the drops for white wool and bamboo mosaics in the region "test"

Code (Text):
      stop-drops: true
      stop-drops: true
      stop-drops: true

I also fixed that thing where commands didn't work (or aliases) if you used the plugin's namespace before the command
----------, Aug 5, 2024

Removed logger message if you have < 1 block entry in the config

Fixed error (didn't break anything) that would throw if you have < 1 entries for ReplaceWith or ReplenishAs
----------, Mar 30, 2024

You can now set a weight for materials in the replaceWith and replenish As section for regions and the replaceWith section for the dynamic regions by right clicking the materials in the appropriate GUI and typing out a whole number!

In file, data for these sections are now stored as "Material,weight" instead of just Material now, for example "COBBLESTONE,50"

How rolling a block will go will be as follows:

Given this list:




  1. The maximum weight is selected as the upper (exclusionary) boundary for the random number roll, meaning in this case, a number from 0-160 will be rolled.

  2. When a number is rolled, all potential blocks are checked from lowest to greatest weight. If the block’s chance is less than or equal to the roll, it and all other blocks with the same weight are put into a list and a random (equal chances) block is chosen from that list.

This means that Stone can only be rolled when 50 < roll <= 160, Gold Ore when roll <= 10, and Iron Ore when 10 < roll <= 50

Hope you all enjoy!
----------, Mar 30, 2024

I apologize for my hiatus. In truth, I had been distributing this update to those who had contacted me on discord and never got around to uploading it here.

Anyways, here is a full list of changes:

Ore Generation Changes

New commands:

/region [region] setPlaceMsg [msg]

Sets the message that will play when a player is stopped from placing a block in a region. Leave an empty message to have no message.

/region [region] setBreakMsg [msg]

Same as above except plays when a player is stopped from breaking a block.

/region [region] setFullmsg [msg]

Sets the message that will play when the “drop in inventory” option is enabled in a region and a player’s inventory is full.

/region [region] setBreakSound [sound] [volume] [pitch]

Sets the sound that will play when you break a block on top of the blocks default break sound (I can’t remove this as far as I’m aware of). See the tabcompleter for available sounds. (It is all of the default minecraft sounds)

/region [region] removeBreakSound

This will clear the added break sound from the region

/region [region] setPickupMsg [material-name] [msg]

This will set the message that plays when you have the “drop in inventory” option enabled in a region and an item is added to the players inventory. You can use [x] as a place holder for # of items of a type received.

For regions there is the “drop in inventory” option in which drops will be automatically added to a players inventory unless it is full in which it will drop the item as usual unless the “drop on player” is also on in which the item will drop on the player.

Crops actually work in dynamic regions now, although I do not recommend using radius replenishment for them.

Sugarcane, bamboo, and cactus also work differently now. When you break a block that isn’t the base of the crop, that block won’t regenerate, only the base will so the crops will regrow naturally.

Cocoa Beans also work now too! For the region gui, in order to use them make sure to put the item cocoa beans in the canBreak gui. They will rotate onto the first possible log so I cannot guarantee the exact rotation they were originally in but they will rotate correctly towards the first available jungle log.
----------, Oct 15, 2023

This update fixes a lot of things that I found weren't working with the regions such as blocking mob spawns properly.

This update also adds a new option for regions! There is now a dropOnPlayer option present in the first inventory you see in /region. When this is turned on, all mined items will drop on top of the player rather than inside of the respawned block.

I also changed the way that regions and nodes are stored. This shouldn't be an issue since all regions will automatically be migrated to the new system upon server startup, if not, you can use the command /migrateregion [region] to do it manually! Nodes will also automatically migrate themselves when someone breaks the block it is resting at.

Finally for regions, /showborder has changed, instead of putting a glass perimeter up for like 5 seconds, it will now outline a perimeter with green particles until you toggle it off, the new command looks like this:
/showborder [region] [true/false]

There are 2 new features for Nodes! You can now customize the item that dropped from getting mined, meaning you can change the name and add lore to the item. You can now also set a range for how much of the item you want to drop as well by setting a min-drop and max-drop value. Like with regions, there is also a dropOnPlayer flag that does the same thing when set to true. A new example drops.yml config using all the features can be seen here:
Code (YAML):
: '&2Optional Test Item'
       - '&6Optional line'
        - '&2Optional Second line'
: 5
: 1
: 100
: true
I'm sorry for disappearing for a bit, but if you still have any questions or have any issues, dm me on discord at Meep#8596
----------, Jul 7, 2022

Hello everyone, I haven't done one of these in a while. In this update, there were mainly 2 things changed.

- Removed the auto-regen-after-20-minutes thing
Reason: This was a relic from when the plugin was first released and after it was brought to my attention by a user, decided that it was no longer needed
- Fixed empty "replaceWith" sections auto-filling to bedrock
----------, Oct 12, 2021

Hello everyone! In this update, a bug that was recently pointed out to me was fixed. Now you cannot remove an ore node unless it is done regenerating.
----------, Jul 19, 2021

Hello there! This update is a bug fix update fixing a bug of /deleteregion returning an internal error
----------, Jul 18, 2021

- Fixed bedrock defaulting as the replaceWith option if you left it empty (Make to sure to manually take it out if you were affected and it'll be gone for good)
- Fixed farmland trampling (Make sure your region covers the block below the farmland!)
----------, Jul 13, 2021

Hello everyone!
This update's main thing is that normal regions now support crops!
The video below demonstrates how to input crops:

Other changes:
- Regions now protect against explosions
- Liquids not natively in the region cannot flow into your regions
- Fixed some other minor vanity bugs
----------, Jul 13, 2021

New Region Features:
- Added a "replaceAs" option for normal regions (this isn't available for dynamic regions). What it does is it works similarly to replaceWith except instead of performing its action right after block breakage, it does its thing when your replenishTime timer is up! With this, you can, for example, have to break iron ore spawn stone or lapis ore when it replenishes
[check resource page for a video displaying this]
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed mobSpawn icon being a bit weird when displaying when mob spawning is on or off
----------, Jun 1, 2021

This update adds 1 main thing, dynamic regions!
Unlike normal regions dynamic regions when regenerating blocks will regenerate within a radius (that you choose) of the original broken block that meets certain criteria. For example, you can have a region where you can break iron ore which will be replaced with stone. The iron ore will replenish on a random stone block in a 2 block radius with a 2 second replenish time. (This is just an example, integer values can be edited!)

There is another thing this update adds
You can now disable mob spawning within your regions! This option appears on the front page of your region alongside 'canBreak' and 'canPvp'

I hope you all enjoy this update, it took a while but it's finally here!
As always, if you find any bugs, have issues, or a suggestion, dm me on discord at Meep#8596

(I will be updating the resource page with the appropriate information)
----------, May 26, 2021

Just fixed a bug where the regions would work cross world
----------, Apr 3, 2021

Added a gui, Acess it with /region [name-of-region] It's pretty straight forward and if you have any questions on how to use check the resource description as it is all there!
----------, Feb 23, 2021

In update 1.4.1 there was just a small bug fix. Removed the last remnants of the old formula for calculating regions that crashed if you have a big one like 300x300 kind of big. You should now be able to have your 300x300's in peace.
----------, Feb 16, 2021

-Removed plugin broadcasting node locations on server shutdown
-Changed how the plugins tells if a block in a region (No need for you to worry all this does is allow you to make bigger regions like 300x300)

-Changed how the replaceWith: option works
The new format is like this
Code (YAML):
: false
: 60
: 60
       - DIAMOND_ORE
        - IRON_ORE
When you have multiple replacement options, it will select a random one
----------, Feb 11, 2021

Fixed various bugs that have been brought up to me and also removed the plugin broadcasting node locations to your server when it disables.

I also changed how the plugin tells whether the block is in a region (Nothing you need to worry about). This just makes it so you can have bigger regions like 300x300 without your server crashing

Changed the replaceWith: config option. You can know have multiple options to replace a block with
Code (YAML):
: false
: 60
       - DIAMOND_ORE
        - IRON_ORE
Above is the new format on how to use the replaceWith option. When you have more than 1, it selects a random material to replace the block with.
----------, Feb 11, 2021

Removed unnecessary messages
----------, Feb 9, 2021

What changed in version 1.3?
Well in version 1.3 there is a new option for regions. Now instead of canBreak:, there is also pvp:. You put the option in the same place you put can break but this one takes a true false value. If the value is true, pvp will be allowed in the region and if false it wont. If the option isn't present, pvp will be enabled. I also added tested support for 1.15 (Will most likely work in 1.13 & 1.14 as well but this is not tested).
----------, Feb 9, 2021

Fixed /node not showing up, removed unnecessarymessages
----------, Feb 5, 2021

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 6,121
First Release: Feb 5, 2021
Last Update: Aug 5, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
16 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings