ObsidianAuctions [1.12-1.21.4] icon

ObsidianAuctions [1.12-1.21.4] -----

A chat based auction plugin for 1.12+

Added 1.19 to 1.21.4 compatibility
----------, Jan 29, 2025

This update adds official 1.19 support. If you are updating from 1.18 to 1.19 or have already updated and noticed issues make sure to update and update your item_language file with the following values to add spawner naming support for 1.19 https://github.com/virustotalop/Obs.../resources/item_languages/en-US.yml#L280-L339
----------, Dec 31, 2022

This fixes an issue with items with a display name and probably lore from not being able to be auctioned. If you are on the 5.0.0 update I would recommend updating as soon as possible if you have color codes on any items on your server. If you do run into the issue before you update, the user can do "/auc cancel" to cancel their auction and they will get their item back.
----------, Jun 11, 2022

With the 5.0.0 release a lot of the plugin's internals have be rewritten. If you are upgrading from the 4.1.0 please look at the spigot page for the plugin as there are instructions there.
Here are some of the new features:

  • Hot bar messages are now supported without an external plugin
  • Completely configurable item names, includes support for nbt so that mob spawners and custom items can be supported
  • Completely overhauled language files
    • Support for future translation support
  • Supports modern versions
  • New arenas system
  • There are many more features and the spigot page will be updated as more are added!
----------, Jun 6, 2022

Added support for TitleManager, chat messages can now be toggled along with hotbar messages in the config. New default config values are:
enable-chat-messages: true
enable-actionbar-messages: true
Use titlemanager if you want hotbar messages
----------, Aug 17, 2016

Fixed spawners for 1.8 the last update broke spawners for 1.8. If you are on 1.9 you do not need to update.
----------, Mar 28, 2016

Fixed spawner types on 1.9, the type of the spawner was not displaying. It has now been updated to display correctly when auctioning a spawner.
----------, Mar 28, 2016

The language file is now much easier, I will be posting documentation for every replacer at a later date. The language file is automatically migrated to the new replacers. If you want a fresh version of the new config you can find it here: https://github.com/virustotalop/ObsidianAuctions/blob/master/language.yml
----------, Mar 27, 2016

If an item is not in the names.yml it will fallback to the internal minecraft name but formatted. For example the diamond sword enum is "DIAMOND_SWORD". Formatted it would be "Diamond Sword". Fallback for item names is automatic and does not need to be enabled in the config.
----------, Jan 12, 2016

I broke allow-mobspawners in the last version by messing up the config string, if you were having issues with a mobspawner's name not coming up when being auctioned, update to this version. Thanks to @Matthijs110 for the report.
----------, Dec 4, 2015

Added config value to allow the item type displayed to be overridden. Please use config value "renamed-items-override" if you want the display name to show up instead of the item type.
----------, Oct 18, 2015

Apparently somewhere down the line auctioning renamed items got broken. The code is now re-implemented and should work. Tell me if any bugs occur.
----------, Oct 18, 2015

Mob spawners should work without the need of silkspawners. The option in the config has been changed to allow-mobspawners and is enabled by default. Disable it if you do not want mobspawners to be auctioned. Also fixed a bug where certain economy plugins such as CraftConomy did not work correctly due to a regex bug.
----------, Sep 27, 2015

All data from the floAuction folder will be migrated automatically. Delete the floAuction plugin jar when uploading the new build. If the floAuction plugin is not deleted it will be disabled on runtime.

Mobspawners now display their creature type as the name. Player heads now show the player's name. Added an additional option to blacklist item names when auctioning.
----------, Aug 30, 2015

I had some lingering code from working on mob head compatibility, please update to this version if you downloaded 3.0.13.
----------, May 16, 2015

Accidentally left in two debug messages that will show up in console, update as you will since nothing new is being added or fixed.
----------, May 16, 2015

Accidentally broke /auc info in the last version to where it wouldn't show enchants, the bug is now fixed.
----------, May 15, 2015

Added integration with SilkSpawners for mob spawners. When mob spawners are auctioned it shows the mob spawner's type. Additionally added a config value to just allow spawners that are renamed instead of all items if you wish to use that feature. Also as always before any update make sure to backup your config.

The plugin that I added integration to is the plugin here: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/silkspawners/
----------, May 14, 2015

Had to increment the version number again as the jar will not update otherwise. Added a few more items in the names.yml that were missing. Sorry for all the resource updates, this is what I get for trying to push an update before bed.
----------, May 13, 2015

A few items were messed up in the names.yml from the last update.
----------, May 13, 2015

Incremented version number because the jar didn't want to update. WhatIsIt is no longer needed and all materials are moved to /plugins/floAuction/names.yml.
----------, May 13, 2015

Added missing items from the names.yml that were missing in the last update. Delete your old names.yml in /plugins/floAuction if you happened to use the last update otherwise you do not need to.
----------, May 13, 2015

All 1.8 items should be added, tell me if there are any missing. WhatIsIt is also removed as a dependency if you notice any items missing you can add them to the names.yml that is generated.
----------, May 13, 2015

Added a queue gui so players can see what is queued and who is auctioning what item. Make sure to backup your config.yml before updating if you want to be safe.
----------, May 10, 2015

Updated plugin yml as it was invalid.
----------, May 9, 2015

Was having issues sometimes with auctions not working, should be fixed in this version.
----------, May 8, 2015

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 22,472
First Release: Apr 4, 2015
Last Update: Jan 29, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
45 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings