Ban and Unban GUI: Intuitive GUIs for banning and unbanning players with player heads for easy identification. Confirmation messages for admins, and prevents self-banning.
Illegal Items Management:
Detects and removes illegal items from inventories and containers.
Chunk Limiter:
Sets limits for specific items within each chunk to prevent excessive block placement.
Command Control:
Blocks specific commands and allows a whitelist of permitted commands.
Customizable Notifications:
Sends customizable messages to players when they interact with illegal items.
/stats Command:
Provides comprehensive world statistics for admins and players.
Admin Alerts:
Sends alerts to admins when players interact with illegal items.
Deop on Leave:
Automatically deops players upon leaving the server, with optional teleportation and messages.
Logging and Debugging:
Logs illegal item actions with configurable log levels and debug mode.
Wither Spawn Sound Alert:
Plays a sound for all players within a configurable radius when a Wither is spawned.
Clear Withers in Chunk:
Allows admins to clear all Withers in a chunk using the GUI.
webhook-url: "YOUR_DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL"# Replace with your actual Discord webhook URL
# define the radius on how far the wither-spawn sound should be wither-sound:
radius: 20
volume: 1.0
pitch: 1.0
# Chunk limiter configuration chunk-limiter:
CHEST: 400
TNT: 200
block-limit-exceeded: You cannot place more than
} blocks in this chunk.
# Additional configurations additional-configs:
check-interval: 10
# Time in seconds between periodic checks inventory-scan-depth: 3
# Depth of inventory scanning, affects how many nested inventories are checked removal-options:
remove-illegal-items: true
clean-shulkers-on-place: true
notify-player-on-illegal-placement: true
title: "&cIllegal Block!" subtitle: "&cThis is an illegal item!" illegal-item-interaction:
title: "&cIllegal Item!" subtitle: "&cYou tried to interact with an illegal item: %item%" illegal-item-movement:
title: "&cIllegal Item!" subtitle: "&cContainer tried to move an illegal item: %item%" illegal-item-removal:
title: "&cIllegal Items Removed!" subtitle: "&cIllegal items were removed from your inventory." admin-alert: "&c%player% tried to interact with an illegal item: %item%"
# Enchantment messages enchantment_messages:
illegal_item: "&aAn item in your inventory had illegal enchantments and has been reverted to a legal state." log_illegal_item: "&eIllegal enchantment detected on item: &c%item% &efrom player: &c%player%" admin_alert: "&c%player% tried to interact with an illegal item: %item%" deop-on-leave:
enabled: true
# Set to false to disable deop on leave whitelist:
players: -
"AdminPlayer1" -
"AdminPlayer2" teleport:
world: "world" x: 0.0
y: 64.0
z: 0.0
yaw: 0.0
pitch: 0.0
message: "&cYou have been deopped, your inventory cleared, and you have been teleported to the spawn point." title:
main: "&cDeopped" subtitle: "&cYou have been deopped and teleported to the spawn point." fade-in: 20
# Duration in ticks (1 second = 20 ticks) stay: 60
# Duration in ticks fade-out: 20
# Duration in ticks
# Admin alerts configuration admin-alerts:
enabled: true
permission: oaexploits.alerts
cooldown: 60
# seconds between alerts to avoid spam