- users with "novyxtreme.nxlistall" permission can use /nxlist [playername] to get all gates owned by given player
- added support -v argument to /nxlist command, provides additional gate info.
- Stargate cost is now refunded to the player if a gate they own is destroyed/removed
- Stargates will no longer teleport items/mobs to the nether
- fixed some spelling/grammar errors
- Changed gate timeout to 25 seconds
- fixed some issues with /nxforce
- players can now only have one stargate open at a time - should fix some metadata issues.
- once dialed, gates will stay open until they're either deactivated
- multiple players can use the same open gate
- fixed the nxgo,nxremove perms issue
- gate integrity checks will be run on destination gates
- gates will not alert the player of a impending cost if the cost is set to 0
- /nxforce will deactivate all active gates