NovaCore is a basic plugin and fast plugin with some utilities for tiny Minecraft Servers with Code Optimizations! There are a list of Commands and Permission for you:
Code (Text):
/setspawn - Set the Spawnpoint (novacore.admin)
/spawn - Teleport to the spawn location (novacore.command.spawn)
/mutechat - Muta / Unmute global Chat (novacore.lockchat.bypass)
/broadcast - Send a global alert (novacore.command.broadcast)
/back - Return to the last saved location (novacore.command.back)
/sethome - Set an home with a name (novacore.command.sethome)
/delhome - Delete an home with name (novacore.command.delhome)
/home - Teleport to a home (novacore.command.home)
/gm [s,c,a,sp] - Change your gamemode (<mode>
/fly - Toggle fly status (
/setwarp - Set a warp with name (novacore.command.setwarp)
/delwarp - Delete a warp with name (novacore.command.delwarp)
/warp - Teleport to a warp (novacore.command.warp)
/novacore [reload] - Help and Reload (novacore.admin)
# MESSAGGI setspawn-message: "&b&lSpawn set correctly." spawn-notset: "&cNo spawnpoint set" spawnworld-notexist: "&cSpawn world don't exist" spawn-teleport: "&b&lTeleported to spawn" reload: "&a&lConfig reloaded" help-reload: "&3&lReload Configuration" help-spawn: "&3&lTeleport to Spawn" help-setspawn: "&3&lSet the Spawn" help-mutechat: "&3&lMute/Unmute the Chat" help-broadcast: "&3&lSend a broadcast" help-back: "&3&lTeleport to death location" help-sethome: "&3&lSet a Home" help-delhome: "&3&lDelete a Home" help-home: "&3&lReturn to a Home" help-gm: "&3&lChange your Gamemode" help-fly: "&3&lToggle Fly status" help-setwarp: "&3&lSet a Warp" help-delwarp: "&3&lDelete a Warp" help-warp: "&3&lTeleport to a Warp" chat-muted: "&cThe chat is muted!" chat-nowmuted: "&cThe chat is now muted!" chat-unmuted: "&aThe chat is now unmuted!" broadcast-nomessage: "&cWrite a message." broadcast-prefix: "&b&lBroadcast &7» " back-noworld: "&cNo valid position" back-nolocation: "&cNon saved position" back-teleport: "&bTelported back!" sethome-specificname: "&cWrite a Name for your home" sethome-maxreached: "&cLimit of homes reached!" sethome-alreadyexist: "&cYou have a home with this name." sethome-set: "&bHome set succesfully." delhome-homename: "&cYou have to specify a home name." delhome-notexist: "&cThis home doesn't exist" delhome-removed: "&bHome deleted succesfully." home-notexist: "&cThis home don't exist." home-homename: "&cHo have to specify a home name." home-teleported: "&bTelported to Home!" gm-nospecific: "&cSelect a Gamemode." gm-specific: "&bGamemode changed to:" fly-enabled: "&bFly enabled" fly-disabled: "&cFly disabled" warp-nospecific: "&cWrite a warp name." warp-teleported: "&bTelported to warp." warp-notexist: "&cThis warp don't exist." setwarp-created: "&b&lWarp set successfully." delwarp-deleted: "&bWarp deleted correctly." no-premission: "&cYou have no permission to execute this command."