Economies, Businesses, and Corporations now have their own Caching system for faster reading times
This should improve response times to Natural Increases and loading GUIs like /balance
Optimize Business & Economy Serialization
Created Corporations
Corporations are parent organizations that give Businesses that join them benefits, such as profit increases
Corporations have an experience and leveling system, currently the only natural way of gaining experience is through profit and Corporation Achievements
You can own both a Business and a Corporation; Corporation Owners will automatically have their Business added to their Corporation
Economies and Businesses are now stored in individual files/folders to speed up loading times
The plugin contains an automatic migration script that will migrate existing economies/plugins into the new format, and API that uses it is now deprecated.
This script is planned to be removed by Early 2023.
Players no longer contain a proper configuration check for values and instead use defaults
Created Business Advertising
Business Advertising Balance deposit, can use any economy and is more/less valuable based on the economies' conversion rates
Businesses can now advertise other businesses, toggleable in settings
Economies now have a "clickable" tag that means it can be used to remove in the advertising balance, and as payment to other businesses for advertising your business
"Automatic Deposit" Business Setting to automatically deposit 15% of product sales into Advertising
Created Business Keywords
Businesses can specify up to 10 topics that relate to the business
You can search using these keywords in Business Discover
Created Player Statistics
Includes Transaction History from last 10 purchases
Bug Fixes:
Error is Thrown for Business Products when Economy is Removed (#17)
Edit Price and Remove Product having no products in inventory (#18)
Bank Top Donors Display Bug (#19)
Other Improvements:
Rename Economy & Change Natural Increase, Icon, Custom Model Data ID, or Conversion Scale Commands
Rename Business & Change Business Icon Commands
Setting Descriptions
Korean Translation
Stock Markets are currently planned for 1.6.2, and will be released in the next few weeks.
Novaconomy v1.2.0 Language Support - Add Chinese (zh) and Japanese (ja) language support
- Encode Special Characters for other languages
Business is Boomin - Businesses API & Functionality
- Create and Sell Products for Profit
- Permissions: ``, ``
- Event API for Businesses
Plugin Cleanup, Optimization & Bug Fixes - Sound Effects
- 1.8 to 1.19 Support
- Bug Fixes with translation and MC text
- Minor Bug Fixes & Optimizations