Remove the deletion of the old configuration after conversion to the new one, to make sure that it doesn't delete unexpected parameters that are not taken into account by the automatic converter.
Ignore the configuration date-format key and value to avoid specific formatting that could interrupt or break the conversion process.
Following a positive test of the hourly expiry system, this is now the default expiry system.
It offers numerous benefits in terms of inventory filling, general organization and QoL.
The old system, which operated on a per-second basis, can still be activated at the bottom of configuration, but in my opinion is obsolete.
A logic error in the code reset the expiration time if it was indeed a multiple of 3600 (1h) when the hourly expiration system is activated. This has now been fixed, and custom expiry times with the hourly expiry system should work correctly.
New lines in the configuration related to the new foods
Bug fixes
Hopper support, food is now subject to expiration even if it passes through a hopper
When food is thrown out with the “Q” key or equivalent to throw when the food is inside a furnace without a expiry date, the food once picked up has a default expiration date.
When rotten food is consumed as part of a stack, the stack is no longer consumed.
Commands support all newly added foods
Exception handling when EntityDeathEvent is of unknown cause
Support for 1.16.5 and below reinstated
Removed duplicate config when switching from v8 to v9
Inventory modification performed synchronously instead of asynchronously
Effects of expired foods work again in 1.20.4 and below
Expiration support for raw meats and wheat
Expiration support for cooked foods without expiry date is picked up (Use the expiry time setup individually without application of the multiplicator)
Added very primary protection against cooking expired raw meats and fish
Communication As I'm on vacation from tomorrow, I won't be able to provide any more updates. I'm aware of some bugs, but I'll fix them when I get back in early September.
Code fixes planned for the next update
Issue #9 : Support for hopper when used with a furnace or other cooking method and the food is dropped by a hopper
Issue #9 : Better support for cooked foods dropped from a furnace or other cooking method when dropped with "Q" or other control associated with this function (Throw)
Better protection to prevent expired food from cooking
Rework of commands to support all new foods added since a few updates
Removed the ability to make the original ingredient of a prepared food when it is rotten. This spoiled the whole point of the plugin and the problem is now fixed.