Nodia Towny icon

Nodia Towny -----

A one time Towny solution

Nodia is a plugin that covers all your Towny needs such as Dynmap support and a Flag War system.

There has been a long confusion in other Towny plugins such as "Whats the point of having a war". Nodia gives it a reason with:

Chunk Material Generation
What is CMG? When a town claims a chunk a cheated dice will roll out for a material. This depends on what biome you are in.

(End Biomes not counted, Nether biomes only work if they are edited into the overworld.)

These generated materials are assigned into your town chunks to be deposited into your town's income gui every hour. (/town income)

Other than Dynmap showing your current claims, We also decided to dump a lot of png files into your web/markers folders for a little dessert, Chunk claims also show the material they have!

All commands can be found in /nodia

Placeholders for PlaceholderAPI (feel free to give me ideas on placeholders, I'll add them in a day.)
%nodia_town% ---) Town of the player
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 171
First Release: Jul 22, 2024
Last Update: Jul 24, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings