- Fix uuid and permmision options using the incorrect value when using optional checking.
- The plugin now requires mc 1.18 or newer to run, this means the plugin will stay with java 17 (for now)
- Added a proper unlink method (to be used for the discord integration)
- Fixed incorrect database advanced option being incorrectly loaded
- Optimized internal libraries
- Expanded update checker
- Added a new "/nwl support" command for useful links
- Updated the file's lib to a fork, it should handle better the files.
- Fixed typo for a config.
- Extra storage settings for advanced configuration.
- Changed update checker to handle the next major version.
Some bug fixes for the last version for java 17.
- Fix checking option (name, uuid, permission)
- Fixed incorrect request from config when a database fails to load.
- Now the whitelist should only check for players who can actually join (ex: not allow players banned or when server is full)
Latest update to version 1.x.x (Maybe one more for fixes)
So I can work for the version 2.0.0, now that the 1.21 released.
- Now correctly supports 1.21
- Renamed PlaceholderAPI and MiniPlaceholders indentifiers as previously announced.
NWhitelist ->
- Commands: Added a small fallback in case it fails to load.
- Commands: In case of future versions of minecraft and this fails, it will be disabled, the plugin will continue to work but without commands.
Another small hot fix with proper support for 1.20.6
For PlaceholderAPI and MiniPlaceholders the identifier will be changed. (NobleWhitelist -> noblewhitelist)
This is to keep more consistency with other placeholders.
- Updated cloud dependency.
- Updated the update checker.
This is a small hotfix, there is a major update planned to latter.
For PlaceholderAPI and MiniPlaceholders the identifier will be changed. (NobleWhitelist -> noblewhitelist)
This is to keep more consistency with other placeholders.
- Fixed an error when reloading database.
- Added new command for perm check of a player
/nwl perm check <player> [min]
- Added an option to skip saving the uuid of a player.
- Added possibility to add incomplete entries to the local files.
- Invalid entries will be silently ignored.
- Removed an unused check with rare function.
- More information will be printed when an error occurs.
- Added new metrics information to be sent.
- Fixed storage exception handling.
- Updated dependencies, fixed library manager and changed logger.
- Refactored code, for future support of other platforms.
- New file storage type: TOML
- Fixed incorrect count for flat files (?)
- Fixed bypass and perm joins.
- New bypass options with number based permission.
- Removed placeholder for
join_type (worked weird)
- Now the reload command also reloads the database.
- New commands for manage the join checking and bypass options.
- Changed the
close-if-failed with
action-if-failed for better management.
- Small changes and fixex to the update checker.
Some fixes and little update.
- Now the commands are permission based (noblewhitelist.admin grands all)
- Now the commands add, remove, find and toggle has the me option
- Added more placeholders.
- Some minors fixes
Light update with some additions.
- Adjusted some data.
- Fixed a spigot error in a specific scenario.
- Optimized code.
- Now allows different types of storage, specially databases for better management.
- Now uses Cloud Framework for the commands management.
- Added Discord Integration
- Now downloads the necessary libraries on start and the jar file weighs less.
- The commands now has better colors and better error handling.
- Fixed problem with invalid chars.
- Fixed commands only being executed if the players is op.
- Added new option to control the max player list showed with the command.
- Added new options to manage the problems of some chars.
- Tweaked some colors and text.
Fixed null data, exception and bypass.