- Users still needs to migrate their messages.yml placeholders (change
- to
- Fixed unchanged placeholders from messages.
- Fixed invalid members (jda5 member cache)
- Fixed giving roles to the whitelisted user.
- Fixed missing config options for channel nofity when adding and removing roles.
- Updated and fixed dependencies, fixed library manager and changed logger.
- Now using cloud command parser for jda5.
- Refactored code, for future support of other platforms.
- Changed placeholders for messages.yml, needs to be updated by user.
- Added more messages for errors and commands, fixed internal
invalid uuid path.
- Added List command and updated accounts-related commands.
- Fixed everyone config option (?)
- Added new command for join checking and bypass options (same as the base plugin)
- Added the everyone role toggle
- Added the sub whitelist roles section.
- Fixed 1 bad written placeholder in messages.yml
- Fixed the update checker when op player joins
- Added an option for add or remove a "whitelist role"
- Added some placeholders and tweaked some.
- Some messages was colored for better loking.
- Added some missing configuration.
- Better handling of exceptions.
- Fixed incorrect Api Version.