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NoAutoCrafter -----

AutoCrafter,ChunkLoader,BlockBreaker,BlockPlacer,Item Teleporter,Animal Breeder,Animal Interactor

In this plugin are AutoCrafter, AutoBreaker, AutoPlacer, FarmingStation and an item transport system which you can turn on and off in one config. All systems in this plugin are multiblocks that work in any direction. You can also adjust all translations as you need them and set all permissions in one file.

You need for a AutoCrafter:
1x Dispenser
1x Crafting Table
1x Hopper

To create a crafter type /autocrafter or /ac and look at the dispenser when typing.
To use the crafter, all items needed must be in the dispenser and the dispenser must be activated.

You need for a BlockBreake:
1x Sticky Piston
1x End Rod

To use the breaker activate the Piston

You need for a BlockBreaker:
1x Sticky Piston
1x Dispenser

To use the breaker activate the Dispenser

You need for a Sender:
1x Trapped Chest
1x Hopper
1x End Rod

To create a sender type /sender or /sc and look at the chest. Then put in the item you want to use as a frequency.

You need for a Receiver:
1x Trapped Chest
1x Hopper
1x End Rod

To create a receiver type /receiver or /rc and look at the chest. Then put in the item you want to use as a frequency.

You need for a FarmingStation:
1x Dispenser
1x Hopper
1x Redstone Lamp
1x Farmland or Soul sand

To use the farming station activate the dispenser and add a Seed

You need for a BreedingStation 1x Dispenser 1x Hopper 1x Redstone Lamp 1x Coarse Dirt

To use the Breeding Station give in the Dispenser food for the Animal, activate the Dispenser and 2 Animals in Range (default 3) will be breed

You need for a BreedingStation 1x Dispenser 1x Hopper 1x Redstone Lamp 1x Coarse Dirt

To use the Breeding Station give in the Dispenser food for the Animal, activate the Dispenser and 2 Animals in Range (default 3) will be breed

Screenshot 2024-06-17 221829.png
You need for a Furnace:
1x Beacon
1x Hopper
1x Furnace

To create a furnace type /chunkloader or /cl and look at the beacon.

It is an open source project with an MIT license.
If you think of anything else I can add or if you find a bug let me know via GitHub.

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 350
First Release: Oct 17, 2023
Last Update: Jun 17, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
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