Commands - /killall (Kills all players) - killalive (Kills all the alive players) - /killdead (Kills all the dead players) - /list (Displays the dead, alive, spectator lists) - /clearlist (admin) (Clears a list) - /token (Token command to pay and use tokens!) - /clearchat (cc) (Clears the chat!) - /tpall (Teleports all players) - /tpalive (Teleports all alive players) - /tpdead (Teleports all dead players) - /msg (Messages a player) - /w (Whispers a player) - /hide (Hides players) - /vanish (Vanishes) - /fly (Allows you to fly) - /timer (Set a timer) - /revive (Revive players) - /reviveall (Revives all players) - /revivedead (Revives all dead players) - /setspawn (Set the spawn location) - /discord (Shows the discord invite) - /announcer (Opens the announcer menu) - /broadcast (Broadcasts a Message) - /core (The main command)
Features - Scoreboard - Reviving sys
Installation - Download the skript and put it in the scripts folder! - Change configuration of the skript in the options at the top of the skript!