Please update to the latest NexEngine v2.2.11 (DOWNLOAD)
There is no more hard version dependence in the Engine, so this plugin should be compatible with new versions without extra updates.
WARNING: Some messages with custom options (type, prefix, sound) or JSON components may become "broken" due to using the updated Engine format / parser. Please, correct your messages using this page.
[New]Secret Question System. Let players to double-protect their accounts by adding a custom secret question with a secret answer.
[Added] Password confirmation option. [Added] Login location option. [Added] An option to hide player's inventory, gamemode, potion effects during login. [Added] An option for min amount of upper case letters in password requirement. [Added] An option for min amount of lower case letters in password requirement. [Added] An option for min amount of unique letters in password requirement. [Added] An option for min amount of digits in password requirement.
[Improved] Config file has been updated and improved. Now contains comments for all options. [Improved] Better session management. [Improved] Better security checks & methods.
[Removed] Duplicated messages.
[Fixed] A bug, where name case check does not work properly. [Fixed] Incorrect login attempts counts for IP address now instead of account name. [Fixed] Performance improved. [Fixed] Various minor bugs. [Fixed] Many code improvements.
- Improved Database stability and performance. - Improved User Data handling. - Added 'Table_Prefix' option for the 'Database' section in 'config.yml'. - Permissions are now registering internally.
New Additions: ▸ Added an option to apply Blindness effect during the login/register. ▸ Added player /changepassword command. ▸ Added admin 'unregister' and 'changepassword' commands.
Bug Fixes & Improvements: ▸ Minor register error message fixes.