[New]Secret Question System. Let players to double-protect their accounts by adding a custom secret question with a secret answer.
[Added] Password confirmation option. [Added] Login location option. [Added] An option to hide player's inventory, gamemode, potion effects during login. [Added] An option for min amount of upper case letters in password requirement. [Added] An option for min amount of lower case letters in password requirement. [Added] An option for min amount of unique letters in password requirement. [Added] An option for min amount of digits in password requirement.
[Improved] Config file has been updated and improved. Now contains comments for all options. [Improved] Better session management. [Improved] Better security checks & methods.
[Removed] Duplicated messages.
[Fixed] A bug, where name case check does not work properly. [Fixed] Incorrect login attempts counts for IP address now instead of account name. [Fixed] Performance improved. [Fixed] Various minor bugs. [Fixed] Many code improvements.