This is a simple Labymod API for LabyMod 4 for Paper 1.20.2
As you may already know, there is
an official LabyMod Server API. So why create another one?
It seems that the original does not work with current Versions of minecraft and is also made to work with LabyMod 3 (it should still work with Laby 4 tho).
As far as i can tell, there is
another third-party LabyMod Server API, but this one still does
not seem to work with 1.20.2.
I do hope that LabyMod creates a new Server Plugin for their new API and keeps it up to date, until then, my go-to solution will be this repository.
Download & Usage
You can download the latest release from spigot or
Most of the functions are available in the provided config.yml. To get more information on how to use the API in your Code, have a look at the