All languages are supported and you can customize them!
1. Delete the NewJoinMessage jar file and folder. 2. Download NewJoinManager and put it in the Plugins folder. 3. Start your server and modify Plugins/NewJoinManager/Config.yml. 4. enjoy!
✨ Plugin Features:
Customize player join or leave server messages.
You can set different messages for your server's donors.
Customizing the Join Event
✨ Command:
(NewJoinManager can be abbreviated as njm)
Permission node: NewJoinManager.use
(This permission is required to use this command)
/NewJoinManager Reload
Permission node: NewJoinManager.reload
(Reload your edited new text without the need to restart the server.)
/NewJoinManager about
Permission node: NewJoinManager.use
(View information about the current plugin.)
✨ In-game default message images:
I don't even know where to start showing.
✨ Configuration file images:
✨ Future Plans:
Currently, the future plans are unclear. I hope you can provide suggestions, and I'll develop and implement what you suggest
✨This is my first time releasing a resource about the plugin, and I hope to gain your support. ✨