Please install ProtocolLib for a smoother experience
NES is a plugin that allows emulation of the NES console in Minecraft. Place your legally obtained from in the rom folder after booting up the plugin. Then load them in by doing
/nes reload. You can load a game by doing
/nes play (name) with the permission
You can now join each others game with a maximum up to two players.
/nes join (playername)
There is no fancy invite system yet, I just want to test if this a good idea to implement.
Unfortunately there are no save-files
Need help? Join my
Code (Text):
Jump-Key = A button
Right-Mouse-Click = B button
Swap-Item-Key = Start Button
Q-Key = Select Button
WASD = Arrow keys
Code (Text):
already-running: "&cAlready playing a game, stop by doing /nes stop"
click-to-play: "&7Click here to play %gamename%"
gamename-prefix: "&7"
- " "
- "&7Type /nes play 'name' to play a game!"
- " "
- "&7Unsure how the plugin works? Join my discord: &7"
no-game: "&cNo running game!"
- "&7No games found!"
- " "
- "&7Need help installing them? Join my discord: &7"
no-permission: "&cYou don't have permission to do this!"
not-found: "&cGame not found"
now-playing-normal: "&aNow playing %gamename% type /nes stop to stop playing"
now-playing-protocollib: "&aNow playing %gamename% sneak to stop playing!"
playable: "&7The current games you can play are: "
player-only: "&cThis command is only executable via a player"
stopped: "&aStopped game succesfully!"
Ultra performance upgrade: