Updated to 1.16, added some functionality, fixed some bugs.
Please stop trying to message me via Spigot or commenting on this post for support. I do not do support via Spigot. If you need help, please join the Discord server and read the #rules channel.
Documentation website:
See the Git changelog here:
- Added notification about using Paper instead of Spigot due to Paper fixing bugs before Spigot.
- Added ability to drop items from bees, cows, foxes, etc. Use to fill in values in creatureSpawning.yml.
- Added ability to use color codes in the names of socket gems. An example would be "&2Harden_I".
- Added ability to make custom items glow. Use the "glow" field on a custom item.
- Added SUDO command type for socket gems. Use the new command style in order for it to work:
- Added new configuration option for preventing grindstones from removing costs from items. "options.allow-items-to-have-repair-cost-removed-by-grindstone" in config.yml.
- Updated to Minecraft 1.16.
- No longer send messages if they're not present in the language.yml. If you don't want a message to be sent, just set the value to '' in the language.yml.
- Extremely high (200+) enchantments could crash the item generator.
- /md give and /md spawn now respect tier durability.
- Tier loading would occasionally read the wrong color.
- Fixed items not being able to drop when "options.require-player-kill-for-drops" was false in config.yml.
- Tiers no longer require attributes in order to load.
- "broadcast-on-find" now correctly works with "options.display-mob-equipment" turned off.
- "options.only-roll-bonus-attributes-once" is now read properly.