MythicAnnouncer | MythicMobs Add-on icon

MythicAnnouncer | MythicMobs Add-on -----

Displays spawn time holos and announces MythicMob spawning, death and despawning events.

  • Update to support 1.21.1
  • Added new placeholder (PAPI) %mythicannouncer_spawnername_formatted% to show the seconds in a formatted style (HH:mm:SS)
  • Added new placeholder %formatted_sec% to show the seconds in a formatted style (HH:mm:SS).
    You can use it in the holo-message-spawn-in option in the config.
----------, Aug 18, 2024

  • Update to support 1.16 (tested 1.16.5)
  • Update to support 1.20.6
----------, May 30, 2024

Bug fix.
----------, Feb 18, 2024

  • Implemented the option in the config to choose in which world the announcement of spawn,despawn and death will be sent for each mob type (more info in the config).
  • Fixed a bug that occurred when a player who had hit a mob exited the server (on death event).
To update, you should regenerate your config.yml so delete it (save it if you need to copy some text or options) and restart the server to regenerate it.
----------, Feb 15, 2024

  • Implemented the option to add a head at either the first or last line of the spawning hologram. You can choose the position, type, and skin of the head. Further information is available in the new configuration file.
  • Implemented a reward system for each type of MythicMob's mob, allowing the execution of 1 or more commands for the first three players who dealt the most damage to a mob(ranking system). Additional details can be found in the new configuration file.
  • Added support also for the latest dev version of MythicMobs.
To update, you should regenerate your config.yml so delete it (save it if you need to copy some text or options) and restart the server to regenerate it.
----------, Feb 10, 2024

Dependency version updated to the latest available version.
(tested with currently latest MM version (5.5.1) and currently latest DecentHologram version (2.8.6)) on 1.20.3 and 1.20.4.
I remind you to write to me privately or in the discussion for problems or ideas regarding the plugin.
Don't post your logs in the review section, thank you.
----------, Jan 9, 2024

Bug fix.
----------, Dec 4, 2023

  • Fixed the position of the hologram, it is now positioned in the center of the block.
  • Now you can adjust the hologram position for each mob type by editing the offset in the config.
To update, you should regenerate your config.yml so delete it (save it if you need to copy some text) and restart the server to regenerate it OR add the new property "offset-holo" just under "show-holo" for every type of mobs like in the code below:
Code (YAML):

: true
: #You can adjust the position of the hologram by editing the x,y,z offset.
: 0.0
: 1.5
: 0.0
----------, Oct 26, 2023

  • Update to support 1.20.2
  • Added a temporary ranking of the players who did the most damage for each type of mob. You can choose to enable it in the config in the kill-announce section for each type of mob by setting the ranking-message-template (more info in the new config). You can also choose how many players to show in the ranking by setting the top-ranking-players property.
To update, you should regenerate your config.yml so delete it (save it if you need to copy some text) and restart the server to regenerate it.
----------, Oct 1, 2023

  • Added global permission mythicannouncer.notify.*, players with this permission can receive every notification in chat.
  • Added global permission mythicannouncer.notify.spawn, players with this permission can receive every spawn notification in chat.
  • Added global permission mythicannouncer.notify.despawn, players with this permission can receive every despawn notification in chat.
  • Added global permission mythicannouncer.notify.death, players with this permission can receive every death notification in chat.
  • Added custom permissions for each type of mob and for each event, the permission can be set in the config, so if you wanna enable notifications only for certain mobs use these custom permissions instead of the global ones.
  • Added PlaceholderAPI's placeholder %mythicannouncer_spawnername% showing the remaining seconds to spawn of an active spawner. (install PlaceholderAPI to use it)
  • Added a couple of messages customizable in the config for the PlaceholderAPI's placeholder.
To update, you should regenerate your config.yml so delete it (save it if you need to copy some text) and restart the server to regenerate it.
----------, Sep 16, 2023

Bug fix: it was impossible to delete default mobs from the config, now you can remove from it the default mobs that you don't need.
If you're updating from version 1.0.x read the 1.1.0 update.
----------, Sep 4, 2023

Bug fix: Bug fix to support mobs with no damage set.
If you're updating from version 1.0.x read the 1.1.0 update.
----------, Aug 27, 2023

  • Renamed %mm_type% placeholder to %mob%
  • Added %health%, %damage% and %armor% placeholders
  • Added Discord Webhook (more info in the new config) for every type of MythicMob to announce the spawn, death and despawning events in certain Discord channels. (you can enable or disable everything about it in the config)
To update, you should regenerate your config.yml so delete it (save it if you need to copy some text) and restart the server to regenerate it.
----------, Aug 27, 2023

  • Renamed %mm_type% placeholder to %mob%
  • Added %health%, %damage% and %armor% placeholders
  • Added Discord Webhook (more info in the new config) for every type of MythicMob to announce the spawn, death and despawning events in certain Discord channels. (you can enable or disable everything about it in the config)
To update, you should regenerate your config.yml so delete it (save it if you need to copy later some text) and restart the server to regenerate it.
----------, Aug 27, 2023

Bug fix: now if you remove a spawner from MythicMobs while its hologram is visible, the hologram will be removed automatically.
----------, Jul 19, 2023

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 1,657
First Release: Jun 18, 2023
Last Update: Aug 18, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
17 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings