Reupload of version 2.3.4 to remove version 2.4 which added the MaxIp per player feature which allowed the codes to be redeemed only by a certain number of players per IP, unfortunately I discovered that this feature had a bug that did not allow the plugin to work, so I said to remove it.
+ ] Added the possibility of deciding how many players x IP can redeem a code
!!! ] You have to reload everything
/ ] Fixed an issue that prevented the /mr alias from working correctly
/ ] Fixed aliases that weren't working
/ ] Fixed a bug where when you created code using the /myredeem createrandomcode command it removed some of the commands you added to it
+ ] From now on, when you have to enter the expiration of the code, you can write -1 to give no expiration.
+ ] Added codes expiration!
Now when you create a new code you have to do like this:
/mr createcode <code> <uses> <reward> <expiration>
The expiration must be written in days, so if you want to make a code last 10 days, just write 10 where you need to insert the <expiration>
Example Config Section:
uses: -1
permission: myredeem.code.CODE5
- give %player% apple 1
- give %player% carrot 1
expiration: '2023-10-19T17:43:55.136268300Z'
!!! ] You have to reload the messages.yml file
/ ] Fixed some things in the messages.yml file
!!! ] You have to reload the messages.yml file
/ ] Rewritten and optimized plugin and general improvements
!!! ] You have to reload the messages.yml file
+ ] Added command /checkcodes <player> - Checks the redeemed codes of a player
!!! ] You have to reload the messages.yml file
+ ] Added the possibility to add a permission per code, from now on every code created will have a permission, in case you do not want the code to have a permission just leave the 'permission:' blank
Example of the new configuration for codes
uses: 1
permission: myredeem.code.CODE1
- give %player% diamond 1
+ ] Added a new command. /mrreset <player> <code>
With this command it will be possible to delete a redeemed code from a player, so as if you had never redeemed it.
/ ] Fixed a bug with /listcodes permission.
!!! ] You have to reload the messages.yml file
+ ] Added a new command. /mrreset <player> <code>
With this command it will be possible to delete a redeemed code from a player, so as if you had never redeemed it.
/ ] Fixed a bug with /listcodes permission.
!!! ] You have to reload the messages.yml file
+ ] Added a new command. /mrreset <player> <code>
With this command it will be possible to delete a redeemed code from a player, so as if you had never redeemed it.
/ ] Fixed a bug with /listcodes permission.
!!! ] You have to reload the messages.yml file
+ ] Added playerstats.yml file | Now all the codes used by the players will be saved here.
!!! ] You have to remove "usedCodes:" from config.yml
+ ] Added playerstats.yml file | Now all the codes used by the players will be saved here.
!!! ] You have to remove "usedCodes:" from config.yml
+ ] Added messages.yml file, now the messages will be in a separate file from the codes.
/ ] Fixed an issue that did not allow codes created with the /createrandomcode command to insert more than one command.
/ ] Improved automatic code generation system.
!!! ] You have to delete the messages in the config file.
+ ] Added command /addreward to add in game rewards to codes
/ ] Now all codes can have infinite rewards
/ ] Improved all "staff" permissions in a single permit
!!! ] You will have to delete the old config
] Plugin Recoded and Optimized
] Improved Createrandomcode
/ ] Plugin Recoded and Optimized.
/ ] Fixed bug with the aliases
/ ] Fixed bug in config syntax
/ ] Fixed bug in config syntax
+ ] Added aliases
Redeem = gift, promo, prize, coupon
MyRedeemReload = mrreload, redeemreload
+ ] Added new feature that allows you to set a maximum of uses per code
+ ] Added /setuses command to set usages on a code
/ ] Fixed a bug that allowed duplicate codes to be created
!!! ] You will have to delete the old config
/ ] Fixed bug that did not allow players to receive custom rewards.
Now you can change plugin language!
Completely custom or you can use the pre-configured settings in your language! (Downloadable on discord!)
Available languages:
English, Italian, Spanish, Romanian, Russian.
NOTE: You can edit the messages in your language whatever it is.
+ ] Added /mrhelp command!
/ ] General improvements
+ ] Added /createrandomcode command!
Now you can create a random code with this command
+ ] Added 3 New Commands!
/createcode <code> <command> | Permission: createcode.use
/deletecode <code> | Permission: deletecode.use
/listcodes | Permission: listcodes.use
( It's a command where you can see redeemable codes )
/ ] Small code cleanup
/ ] Command to reload the plugin redone from 0, changed command and permissions of it.
+ ] Added 3 New Commands!
/createcode <code> <command> | Permission: createcode.use
/deletecode <code> | Permission: deletecode.use
/listcodes | Permission: listcodes.use
( It's a command where you can see redeemable codes )
/ ] Small code cleanup
/ ] Command to reload the plugin redone from 0, changed command and permissions of it.
+ ] Added /listcodes command where you can see redeemable codes
/listcodes | Permission: listcodes.use
/ ] Improved /createcode command
+ ] Added 2 New Commands!
/createcode <code> <command> | Permission: createcode.use
/deletecode <code> | Permission: deletecode.use