MyChatGame icon

MyChatGame -----

minigame chat quiz vault reward economy questions answers hint broadcast multiplayer game customizab

#MyStudio - en/config v1.8
Cooldown: 1 # Time between games in minutes
Add-Random: true # Enable/Disable Random Question Selection
Add-Hint: true # Enable/Disable showing hints
Add-Earn-message: true # Enable/Disable reward message
Add-time-to-answer: true # Enable/Disable time no answer
time-to-answer: 1 # Time to answer
Earn-Message: "&aYou received &6{value} &acoins for the correct answer!" # Reward message
Start-Message: # Messages at the start of the game
- "&6&lThe chat game is starting!"
- "&eQuestion: &f{Question}"
- "&aReward: &6{value}"
- "&bHint: &f{Hint}"
Finish-Message: # Messages at the end of the game
- "&c&lGame Over!"
- "&eCorrect answer: &f{Answer}"
- "&6Winner: &a{player}"

message-1: # First question
Reward: 10000 # Reward for the correct answer
Question: "What is the largest planet in the Solar System?" # Question text
Hint: "&aIt starts with the letter 'J'" # Hint for the question
Answer: "Jupiter" # Correct answer

Reward: 1500 # Reward for the correct answer
Question: "What is the fastest land animal?"
Hint: "&aIt is a large cat"
Answer: "Cheetah"
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 81
First Release: Nov 25, 2024
Last Update: Nov 25, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings