Murder Mystery [1.8.8-1.21] icon

Murder Mystery [1.8.8-1.21] -----

[MINIGAME] Addictive Gameplay | MySQL/YAML | BungeeCord/Multi Arena | Placeholders | Many Languages

[1.5.0] Added parties support and many improvements & fixes
MM 1.5.0.png
* %murdermystery_{arena id}:{data}% where data types are:
* players - amount of players in arena
* max_players - max players in arena
* state - current state raw enum name eg. STARTING
* state_pretty - prettified name of enum eg. Waiting (instead WAITING_FOR_PLAYERS)
* mapname - name of arena map
All projects including Village Defense, BuildBattle, Murder Mystery, Piñata and PiggyBanks are now managed by Tigerkatze (Tigerpanzer_02). There will be no other changes. Everything stays the same. Many have already noticed that I am the one who has been working on the projects for some time. By transferring to my account, I can now react faster to problems. Updates can now be made easier.
----------, Mar 17, 2020
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 81,641
First Release: Apr 17, 2019
Last Update: Feb 18, 2025
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
212 ratings
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