Adds Swedish translations thanks to
@DLmass on github.
Adds feature request #17.
Fixes bug where if player had destroyed bed and died. Player would fall from sky.
Added permission for players to skip cool-down timer on bed spawn.
Fixed bug if player had more than 53 beds, GUI Spawn Menu breaks.
Added option(spawn-on-sky) to spawn player in the sky.
Fixed bug where player could gain fly permission.
Added permission for players to skip cool-down timer on bed spawn.
Fixed bug if player had more than 53 beds, GUI Spawn Menu breaks.
Added option(spawn-on-sky) to spawn player in the sky.
Fixes bug where if player leave the server with respawn menu open, they remain invincible and invisible.
Version for java 17 available in github releases.
Adds Russian translation thanks to
@PATRONIOO (discord: "PATRON#7072")
Adds option to remove bed world in bed's description
Adds option to remove bed coords in bed's description
Adds multiple world support
Now you can choose which worlds the plugin will work or not work
Added two options:
denylist - List of world where the plugin will not work.
allowlist - List of world where the plugin will not work.