Updated for latest version
Fixed wildcard server loading
Fix debug - more debug when loading servers from config
Added more config checks to avoid missconfiguration of ML.
Updated offline detection
- FIxed wrong max players number in /glag
- Update fallback group default settings
- Now users without permissions wont see ML commands in autocomplete
Added some checks for config values
- Added full java regex matcher for defining servers
- Added support for adding server using "ends with" style regex
- Now you can specify multiple servers by using regex like:
Code (Text):
- 'bw-solo-.*'
- Fixed perm redirects for kick events
Added some debug messages for kick reasons
Possible kick-blacklist bug in latest version of bungee fixed
glist can now be executed from console as well
Waterfall is just broken in every single way
Added offline detection support for waterfall
Exta offline detection debug
Added additional debug to debug non-force cases
Added support for dynamic server loading in /glag command
- Updated config documentation to match current features
Changed single quotes to double qutes in motd option to allow use of \n to make a new line in the motd
- Fixed a potentional memory leak on Waterfall proxy caused by scoreboard updates
Fixed /hub and /lobby command that got broken in 6.5.4 update
Fixed offline detection issue that caused all servers appearing as offline
Added /glag <group> to check status of the specific group
Added more clear debug regarding to tracing "Server does not exist" errors.
- Removed unnecessary old code
- Added option to view full exception when debug is enabled
- Fix offline detection overload
- Added more debug on new player login event
Fixed /ggsend (players were not balanced using this command)
- Added debug messages to better trace problems with balancing
- Added warning message about incorrect configuration of fallback groups during kick event
- Added option "kick whitelist" - a list of words that will result in multilobby completely ignoring kick event meaning the default behavior on your network will apply
Added some more debug to address config issues
Added option to exclude some "secret" servers in the /glist command.
Added posibility to remove fallback section from config
Updated some descriptions of the values in the config + made some code cleanups to prepare for future updates
Added more debug for users to identify incorrect configurations for fallback groups.
Removed legacy config-version 2,3 and 4 support. Now only config-version: 5 is supported.
Default value for multilobby-priority was added, in case the value is ommited in config.
After some extensive testing, thanks to
@Msql a bug with tab-complete not working on a bungeecord with ViaVersion and MultiLobby installed was fixed.
Now you can find new config option called "multilobby-priority" that will allow you to set priority of MultiLobby ServerConnect event that is used to balance players.
Note that value HIGHEST will fix Viaversion issue on bungee, but might potentionaly cause unpredicted behavior to other (bungee-side only) plugins that are using this event. So you might wanna set it to just HIGH or NORMAL depending on the plugin.
Since 5.0.0 dev versions no issues reported, 5.0.0 is now marked as stable version
- Improved balancing performance
- Added Fallback groups:
- groups of servers from which players will be sent to a defined balancing groups
- For example, SkyWars fallback group will contain all your skywars servers and all those players will be sent to your SkyWars lobby group when the game server is restarted
- Work in progress: add possibility to configure this fallback fro /lobby and /hub commands
- Fixed some deprecated functions that might cause problems in the future versions of BungeeCord
- Compatibility of this build is Bungee 1.8 - 1.13
- Added "/ggsend <player> <group>" command (it sends player to the specified group of servers defined in multilobby)
- Added ml.ggsend permission
- Added method MultiLobby.sendPlayerToGroup(ProxiedPlayer p, String group), just for developers
- MultiLobbyAPI got updated as well
- Nothing new, just new file for 2018, if you have previous 4.3.8 version, you can safely stay with it
- Adeed permission for /player command
- Added config option to force shared chat format even on the same server as the original message sender is (community request)
- Fixed the issue where shared chat was not enable only in lobby servers but in normal servers as well.
- Added /gbalance <player> <group> to send player to a specific group of servers and autobalance him
- Fixed some issues with slash command system
- Added option to set custom prefix for /gsay command (global bungee broadcast), default value is "" (nothing).
To add prefix just regenerate your config or just simply add this line to your existing config:
gsay-prefix: "(MyServer)"
- Fixed loading of a new config values
- Fixed the issue which could appear while login group was not enabled
- Added option to disable logingroup option in balancing settings completely, this allows you to control logins with another plugin like BungeeAuthentificator or any other similar plugin
- Added possibility to add color codes into all messages in config with standard bukkit color codes.
- Nothing new, nothing special, just source code update that is ready for future updates and additions.
- Added an alternative to /player command - /find <playername or part of it>
- Removed unused libraries and imports
- Removed build-in player limiter at fallback group
- Added better description to config values
-Removed unnecesarry debug from console which was used to test the Experimental version 4.2
This version implements universal ping protocol, MultiLobby offline detection now should be able to work fine with every minecraft server 1.7.10 - 1.10.2.
Latest stable build is 4.1.1
However this version is marked as EXPERIMENTAL it is not fully tested, if you want to help me please test this offline detection in this version and provide me feedback.
As simple as that, title says everyting.
Some people who have problems with setting up MultiLobby will need this update in order to receive support from me.
- Added more debug related to most common config misstakes that users do!
- Added support to balance only 1 server in the group
- Fixed command bypass behavior to work properly on certain situations (now players with permission ml.bypass are able to bypass any spam blok limit)
- Added permission ml.bypass for slash commands
- Added permission
ml.bypass to bypass the default command limit (1 command per 3 seconds)
- Added pregenerated config examples
- Fixed new feature from 4.0.8 (player won't be automatically moved from login servers to fallback if kick move feature is enabled)
- Now players from servers that are in login group, are kicked out of the network instead to fallback servers (possible authme bypass).
- Now the command blacklist should behave correctly
Small update, it just fixes kick move reason blacklist for the 4.x versions to work properly.
Important: If you update to this version you have to generate new config (it has completely changed). Also make sure that your server is running 1.9 or protocol hack.
Huge update 4.0 brings to you completely new system of balancing, the main reason of complete rewrite is to bring you more undertandable config to make MultiLobby even more easy to configure!
- New system of balancing
- Improved offline detection (now for all your balancing groups)
- You can now configure fallback server group and login server group
- Temporaly removed per country lobby feature
- Offline detection works with 1.9 or protocol hack for 1.8.8 only!
- Performance improvements
- Better support for "Auth" servers for Authme networks
- More accurate offline detection balancing
Post update fixes 4.0.2:
- Fixed /lobby <num> command for fallback servers
- Fixed server group in /glag
- Fixed direct join to lobby as fallback server
- Fixed Spam block for admins
Post update fixes 4.0.3:
- Fixed move-me-now feature to work properly with fallback servers
Post update addons 4.0.4:
- Added optional movemenow message
Post update fixes 4.0.5:
- Fixed example configuration
Important: If you update to this version you have to generate new config (it has completely changed). Also make sure that your server is running 1.9 or protocol hack.
Huge update 4.0 brings to you completely new system of balancing, the main reason of complete rewrite is to bring you more undertandable config to make MultiLobby even more easy to configure!
- New system of balancing
- Improved offline detection (now for all your balancing groups)
- You can now configure fallback server group and login server group
- Temporaly removed per country lobby feature
- Offline detection works with 1.9 or protocol hack for 1.8.8 only!
- Performance improvements
- Better support for "Auth" servers for Authme networks
- More accurate offline detection balancing
Post update fixes 4.0.2:
- Fixed /lobby <num> command for fallback servers
- Fixed server group in /glag
- Fixed direct join to lobby as fallback server
- Fixed Spam block for admins
Post update fixes 4.0.3:
- Fixed move-me-now feature to work properly with fallback servers
Post update addons 4.0.4:
- Added optional movemenow message
Important: If you update to this version you have to generate new config (it has completely changed). Also make sure that your server is running 1.9 or protocol hack.
Huge update 4.0 brings to you completely new system of balancing, the main reason of complete rewrite is to bring you more undertandable config to make MultiLobby even more easy to configure!
- New system of balancing
- Improved offline detection (now for all your balancing groups)
- You can now configure fallback server group and login server group
- Temporaly removed per country lobby feature
- Offline detection works with 1.9 or protocol hack for 1.8.8 only!
- Performance improvements
- Better support for "Auth" servers for Authme networks
- More accurate offline detection balancing
Post update fixes 4.0.2:
- Fixed /lobby <num> command for fallback servers
- Fixed server group in /glag
- Fixed direct join to lobby as fallback server
- Fixed Spam block for admins
Post update fixes 4.0.3:
- Fixed move-me-now feature to work properly with fallback servers
Important: If you update to this version you have to generate new config (it has completely changed). Also make sure that your server is running 1.9 or protocol hack.
Huge update 4.0 brings to you completely new system of balancing, the main reason of complete rewrite is to bring you more undertandable config to make MultiLobby even more easy to configure!
- New system of balancing
- Improved offline detection (now for all your balancing groups)
- You can now configure fallback server group and login server group
- Temporaly removed per country lobby feature
- Offline detection works with 1.9 or protocol hack for 1.8.8 only!
- Performance improvements
- Better support for "Auth" servers for Authme networks
- More accurate offline detection balancing
Post update fixes:
- Fixed /lobby <num> command for fallback servers
- Fixed server group in /glag
- Fixed direct join to lobby as fallback server
- Fixed Spam block for admins
Important: If you update to this version you have to generate new config (it has completely changed). Also make sure that your server is running 1.9 or protocol hack.
Huge update 4.0 brings to you completely new system of balancing, the main reason of complete rewrite is to bring you more undertandable config to make MultiLobby even more easy to configure!
- New system of balancing
- Improved offline detection (now for all your balancing groups)
- You can now configure fallback server group and login server group
- Temporaly removed per country lobby feature
- Offline detection works with 1.9 or protocol hack for 1.8.8 only!
- Performance improvements
- Better support for "Auth" servers for Authme networks
- More accurate offline detection balancing
Important: If you update to this version you have to generate new config (it has completely changed). Also make sure that your server is running 1.9 or protocol hack.
Huge update 4.0 brings to you completely new system of balancing, the main reason of complete rewrite is to bring you more undertandable config to make MultiLobby even more easy to configure!
- New system of balancing
- Improved offline detection (now for all your balancing groups)
- You can now configure fallback server group and login server group
- Temporaly removed per country lobby feature
- Offline detection works with 1.9 or protocol hack for 1.8.8 only!
- Performance improvements
- Better support for "Auth" servers for Authme networks
- More accurate offline detection balancing
- Updated lobby-to-lobby balancing to work correctly with the additional balancing option enabled!
Fixed lobby join while country balancer was enabled in versions 3.3 and 3.4+.
This update finally solves the problem while MultiLobby was combined with a lobby plugin that allows players to choose lobby via inventory menu!
To install this update:
1. Download the new jar
2. Insert this new line into your multilobby config:
lobby-to-lobby-balancing: true
So from now, if you disable lobby-to-lobby balancing your players will be able to teleport from one lobby to specific another lobby even via the bukkit plugins, to that moment the only option how to teleport to defined lobby server was using commands /lobby <num> and /hub <num>
From now you can make such a nice lobby switch menu like this:
(Screenshot taken from mineplex)
- Fixed command black list for internal commands
- Fixed accasional NullPointerException at command black list
- Other improvements
- This update brings you next-gen features of your BungeeCord as well as additional performance boosts
BRAND NEW FEATURE: Per Country Lobby
This feature allows you to have separated lobby for each country, this means you can have one lobby localized to English and another to for example German. Please note that this feature is in an early developement stage and may contain some bugs.
How to enable this feature ?
1. Download latest version of MultiLobby
2. Download GeoIP Database
from here
3. Unzip it with WinRar or 7zip
4. Put the GeoIP.dat into your plugin folder next to the MultiLobby.jar
5. Configure MultiLobby config to your liking
- Added more options for offline detection # external status
- Added kick reason blacklist
This function is known from the Movemenow plugin, finally it comes to the MultiLobby!
From version 3.1 and above if you generate fresh config you should see something like this:
Code (Text):
- "ban"
- "kick"
It means that, if kick reason contains work "ban" or "kick", player will be kicked out of the network instead of just teleporting to one of the hub servers.
How to install this update:
1. Option: Delete your config and let generate new one
2. Option: Simply add that config section to your config (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V)
- Fixed visible commands in shared chat
- Fixed occasional balancing error (Index out of bounds exception)
This update brings only one bug fix:
- Fixed balancing problem when 1 or more lobby servers are offline (all player were sent to the same Lobby server)
- Fixed shared chat issue
Finally the MultiLobby 3.0 comes out, MultiLobby 3.0 is completely new version written from scratch and includes many many and even more changes that you could expect
- MultiServer balancing (many users were asking for this)
- Glag now shows CPUs
- Glag now shows System load and status! (Only unix based systems)
- External lobby status for Multiple bungee setup like Redis (can be enabled in config)
- Fixed Files value on Windows
- Fixed config reloading
- Optimalized all events
- From now, events are registered only when they are enable id the config
- New command registering
Coming soon...
- Full Multiple bungee support (/glist, /glag statuses)
- More useful commands
- Offline detection for additional balancing
The main reason of this update is, that some users might think that if there is no update for 25 days the plugin is inactive or not up to date. But still this update fixes some issues.
- Fixed command blocking while the shared chat is disabled
- Fixed slash server while the shared chat is disabled
- Better performance for ChatEvent
- Removed unused imports