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mSignatures is a plugin that will allow a player to sign their items, by using the command /sign and having the permission
Code (Text):
Add a error message if a player is not holding an item. | ✅ Implemented
Add pictures. | ✅ Implemented
Make the sign lore customisable in config. | ✅ Implemented
Add a config reload command. | ✅ Implemented
Code (Text):
signatureName: "&7Signed by: &b%player_name%" # Use %player_name% to get the player's name.
noPermission: "&cYou do not have permission to use this command."
notAPlayer: "You have to be a player to use this command."
noItemInHand: "&cPlease hold an item in your main hand."
itemSigned: "&aItem has been signed."
signCorrectUsage: "&cCorrect usage: &7/sign"
checkSignCorrectUsage: "&cCorrect usage: &7/checksign <player_name>"
configReloaded: "&aConfig has been reloaded."
itemHasNoLore: "&cThe item you are holding does not have a lore."
Any ideas on what to add, please join my discord and say it there.
Also please consider leaving a rating for my plugin I've worked a lot of time on it, and I need some motivation to keep making it better, Thank you!
You may distribute this plugin as long as the download link stays on this page!
You may not copy this code and claim it as yours!