mRestart icon

mRestart -----

restart fancyrestart reload fancyreload mreload mrestart

Version: 1.0
OMG this is so incredibly stupid.

On top of what Pengu below said... when you run the command, it just runs the same command in console and does fuck all

[18:08:53 INFO]: ShaneBee issued server command: /stop confirm
[18:09:03 INFO]: Saving the game (this may take a moment!)
[18:09:03 INFO]: Saved the game
[18:09:04 INFO]: -----mRestart-----
[18:09:04 INFO]: You must confirm this action
[18:09:04 INFO]: use: /stop confirm
[18:09:04 INFO]: -----mRestart-----

As you can see here, I ran the /stop confirm command, then after 10 seconds, the console executes the same command.

Why are you posting this utter garbage on SpigotMC?
Why not learn some basic Skript, grow your skills and then post something worth download.

There's a time and a place for this script...
Never, and in the garbage can!

Just stop this utter crap.

Version: 1.0
Don't say 'because it works' because that's not how reviews work. I get that you're not english, so let me spell it out for you... Skripts are based off QUALITY, not FUNCTIONALITY which is something a beginner doesn't know. You are just spam posting trash like this that just has console execute commands.

First, there are expressions for this, two.. your code (Don't say I can't count because options and #s don't count is 36 lines long.)

You know it's going to be basic or trash if it is THIRTY SIX lines long and 1.6kb large.

Stop spam posting, it's just annoying. You clearly are not talented at skript, just stop flood posting resources. (Well at least you stopped using alts to review your resources... mostly because I reported them and they got banned)

Also this user is a clown who reviews people's resources based off them getting butthurt about a bad review.

Also this is not 'the best restart skript,' it is one of the worst lmao

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 40
First Release: Apr 5, 2024
Last Update: Apr 5, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
2 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings