Morph icon

Morph -----

A Morph plugin based on the Morph mod!

+ Added Breeze and Bogged as morphs
+ Added long requested hitbox/POV scaling using scale attribute
* Fixed baby morphs breaking
* Fixed GUI pages (part 3)
* Fixed skull metadata console spam
* Fixed allays not being able to fly
* Fixed Morph breaking custom health scales by other plugins
* Fixed morph power not working on paper
* Fixed not being able to morph into players from the GUI
----------, Oct 26, 2024

+ Update for 1.20.2
+ Added /randommorph command
----------, Nov 7, 2023

+ Added support for 1.20
+ Added Camels
+ Added sniffers
----------, Jun 24, 2023

* Fixed mob sounds not working correctly
* Fix for SkinRestorer freezing skins on login
+ Sorted GUI alphabetically
----------, Aug 18, 2022

+ Re-write core morphing system - This should make updating and adding abilities in the future much easier
+ Added some abilities to some mobs but I can't remember what
+ Added config list to blacklist certain players from being morphed into
- Removed blacklist player by permission (Didn't work correctly)
* Fixed some mobs not having abilities
* Fixed some mobs not displaying in the morph menu
* Fixed some mobs having incorrect head in morph menu
* Fixed player morphs not appearing in the morph menu
* Fixed some morphs not having a sound
* Fixed formatting on /morph list
* Fixed some /morph info descriptions not accurate
* Fixed bug where mobs would not attack morphed players
* Fixed morph title/item messages.yml changes breaking the menu
----------, Aug 10, 2022

+ Added support for 1.19 and 1.19.1
* Fixed bug that morphing as a bee would sometimes throw an error
----------, Aug 3, 2022

+ Added support 1.18.2
* Few bug fixes
----------, Mar 30, 2022

+ Added support for 1.18
----------, Jan 10, 2022

+ Added support for 1.17
+ Updated to Java 16
+ Added Axolotl, Glow squid and Goat
+ Added ability for goats, allows them to push players away
+ Allowed Phantoms to fly
+ Bees now have the ability to sting
+ Withers now have the ability to shoot wither skulls
+ Added config option "morphOnKill" to allow players to morph as soon as they obtain a new morph
+ Added config option "persistMorphs" to stay morphed through login sessions
+ Forgot to add Piglin, Piglin Brute, Pillager and Ravager
+ Can now blacklist players from morphing as certain players (morph.blacklist.player.PLAYERNAME)
+ Can now add player morphs to users with permissions (morph.into.player.PLAYERNAME)
+ Added /forcemorph command to allow server owners to force players to morph
* Fixed /unmorph to allow server owners to force unmorph players
* Fixed bees not using morph power
* Spiders can now climb down things
* Fixed iron golems not getting strength and slowness
* Fixed Striders sometimes taking damage in lava
* Fixed zombified piglins not working
----------, Jul 17, 2021

* Fixed issue where endermen config values were incorrect
* Fixed issue where you could still fly after unmorphing in certain cases
* Fixed places where sometimes prefix wouldn't use config value
----------, May 3, 2021

* Fixed issues where fly wasn't being removed when you unmorphed
* Fixed issue where you couldn't get the enderdragon morph
* Fixed issue where enderdragon couldn't shoot fireballs
----------, Feb 2, 2021

+ Added option to require players to kill mobs multiple times before gaining the morph
+ Added option to completely disable the GUI
+ Moved mob config to separate file
+ Added option to disable certain morphs
+ Added option to adjust health for each morph
+ Added /morph info mob to show what abilities each morph has
* Fixed GUI opening in disabled worlds
* Fixed missing lang property
* Made morphs enabled in all worlds by default
* Fixed a bug where opped players wouldn't have fly disabled when they unmorph
* Fixed mob noises having too high of a pitch
----------, Jan 26, 2021

* Added support for 1.16.4
----------, Nov 12, 2020

+ Added support for 1.16.2
* Fixed bug where "Currently disguised" text was overlapping morph power
----------, Oct 11, 2020

+ Added support for 1.16
+ Added Striders
* Striders have speed in lava and slowness on the ground
+ Added Hoglins
+ Added Zoglins

This update is sponsored by
----------, Jul 27, 2020

+ Added support for 1.15
+ Added Bees :D
* Stopped turtles making phantom noises
----------, Feb 11, 2020

+ Added support for 1.14
----------, Feb 10, 2020

+ Added support for 1.13
+ Added dolphins, drowned, fish, phantom and turtles
+ Fixed some heads missing textures
+ Fixed opening the menu causing a lag spike
----------, Dec 30, 2018

+ Added option to customize death messages when someone gets killed by a morphed player
* Fixed changing worlds causing your disguise to show even if it was disabled

To get the new options of death messages you will need to either regenerate your config or add the following anywhere into config.yml
Code (YAML):
#Changing death messages if the killer is morphed
#Available placeholders are:
#{victim} {killer} {killerMob} {world}
: true
: false
: false
- "{killer} killed {victim} while morphed as a {killerMob}"
- "{victim} was killed by a {killerMob}"
----------, Jun 1, 2018

Thanks to @The_Ellimist for requesting the features added in this update

+ Added an option to limit the amount of time a player is morphed for
+ Added an option to put a cooldown between morphing as a particular mob
+ Changed the layout of the config to look a bit better
- Fixed a few bugs

You will need to re-generate config.yml and messages.yml to get these new options
----------, Apr 12, 2018

- Fixed update notifier from stopping the server from starting
----------, Aug 11, 2017

- Fixed disguise blown/undisguise bug
- Fixed not being able to reload the plugin in a disabled world
----------, Jun 27, 2017

+ Added Parrots
+ Added Illusioner
+ Added ability to disable the health system
- Fixed a bug causing abilities to stay after dieing
- Fixed squid keeping night vision
- Fixed all morphs not being removed on death (if enabled)
----------, Jun 26, 2017

+ Added Shift+F to open morph menu
+ Added support for baby mobs (includes abilties of parent)
+ Added abilities for husk and stray

You will need to regenerate config.yml and messages.yml (most importantly the messages.yml) to get the new changes

Please report and bugs you find to me either in the comments, in PM, or on discord
----------, May 10, 2017

* Fixed having no permission for wither
* Changed morph.morph to also include morph.into.*, morph.toggle, and morph.changeview
* Changed abilities back to left click (Sorry)
+ Webs now despawn after a configurable amount of time
+ Fixed /morph view
+ Added support from 1.8 up to 1.11
+ Added an options menu in the /morph GUI for player specific settings like disabling/enabling abilities, sounds and view morph.
----------, Mar 1, 2017

+ Added config option for global view disguise
+ Added config option to allow players to choose if they see their own disguise or not
+ Added a config option to stop mobs of the type you are morphed attacking you
+ If above is enabled the command "/morph view <true/false>" can be used to change it
+ Fixed config comments disappearing

I would suggest regenerating the config to get any new options that have been added
----------, Feb 22, 2017

+ Added ability for spiders to throw webs
+ Added support for disguises been blown
+ Re-added llama ability, I somehow accidentally removed it?
+ Fixed cooldowns saying to wait 0 seconds
+ Fixed console not being able to reload the config

Please make sure you are using the latest LibsDisguises and Protocollib to try and prevent any errors.
----------, Jan 22, 2017

- Removed unmorph flag from worldguard, I will most likely be re-adding it at a later date.

NOTE: If you ARE using worldguard and are having no errors, There is no need to update
----------, Jan 17, 2017

+ Fixed a problem with messages
+ Fixed WorldGuard problem if you had AWE installed
+ Added a new morph power system, You get mana that goes away when flying (Might be added to other abilities soon) When you run out of morph power your fly is disabled and you can then regenerate the morph power by staying on the ground. You will need to regenerate the config file for the morph power options to come up
----------, Jan 10, 2017

+ Removed link shortener from download, Nothing added or changed.
----------, Jan 5, 2017

+ Fixes some bugs
+ Added /morph toggle (morph.toggle) to allow people to turn their ability on or off
+ Added worldguard flag "unmorph" that forces players to unmorph. Requires this plugin.
----------, Jan 5, 2017

+ Added /delmorph all <player> - Deletes all of <player>'s morphs
+ Fixed a death bug
+ Creepers now do block damage
+ Snowmen/Endermen now take damage from the rain
+ Zombies/skeletons/etc now take damage from the sun, unless it is raining or they are in the shade
+ Fixed blazes not getting damaged in water
+ Players now get unmorphed when you reload the server
+ Added a permission node "" that stops users with the node from having their fly disabled
+ Added giant - Throws blocks as he walks and can throw players
+ Added enderdragon - Throws fireballs
+ Both giant and enderdragon can be disabled
+ Change ability action to right click
+ Added Evoker - Ability uses evoker traps
+ Added Vexes
+ Chicken can now use their ability to drop eggs (omg!1 yisss)
+ Creepers can now use their ability to explode
+ Slimes now have jump boost and when they die they split into 3
+ Change particle/sound effects
+ Added ability to hold shift and you emit your mobs sound
+ Added config option for the radius used in /morph near
----------, Jan 4, 2017

I somehow forgot to add 1.11 mobs so:
+ Added Vindicator
+ Added Evoker
+ Added Vex
+ Added Llama
----------, Dec 16, 2016

+ Added 1.11 support
+ Added plugin to bStats
+ Added links for support from 1.7-1.11
----------, Nov 26, 2016

+ Added a GUI (Finally!)
+ Spiders can now climb walls
+ Added messages.yml
+ Removed all recipes - Now use shift+click to use the ability
+ Snowman take damage in sand, in the ran, in water, etc
+ Snowman can now throw snowballs
+ Some mobs now burn in the daylight
+ Zombie pigmen now have speed
+ Added ability cooldown option to config.yml
+ Added update checker
+ Added stats ( Click to view)
----------, Aug 24, 2016

+ Added 1.10 support
----------, Jun 18, 2016

- Fixed enabling in <all> worlds
----------, May 2, 2016

- Added skeleton horses
- Fixed blazes not getting fire resistance
----------, Apr 30, 2016

- Added permission to bypass killing
- Fixed players being healed when the morph as something
- Fixed dieing as a morph not returning hearts and flight to normal
----------, Apr 8, 2016

- Cleaned code
- Re-worked movement events
- Re-worked effect system
- Added ability for zombies (Can eat rotten flesh safely)
- Fixed change world bug
- Fixed death bug
----------, Mar 19, 2016

- Added ability to steal morphs from other players if you kill them when they are morphed
- Added command for admins to unmorph players
- Added ability to Guardians
- Fixed health bug
- Fixed death bug
- Config option to unmorph the player when damaged
- Added player support (Woo!) NOTE: Is buggy!
- Added permissions for mobs
- Better permission system

NOTE: If you are updating from a previous version you will have to delete the config file and then copy your values over to the new one
----------, Jul 21, 2015

Fixed when a player is hit they get unmorphed
----------, Jul 8, 2015

Improved /morph near
Improved /morph help
Staff can now unmorph players
Guardians now have a ability
When you kill a morphed player, you get their morph if you don't have it
Fixed Health bug
Changed name to 'Morphy' (Shhh)
Added Metrics

NOTE: If you are updating from a previous version you will have to copy Morph/UserData to Morphy/UserData to prevent data lose
----------, Jul 6, 2015

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 361,363
First Release: Jun 30, 2015
Last Update: Oct 26, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
85 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings