Monthly Crates ➢ Create Your Own Monthly Crates! [1.8-1.21.1] icon

Monthly Crates ➢ Create Your Own Monthly Crates! [1.8-1.21.1] -----

Create your own MonthlyCrates similar to a popular server


Change Log:

  • Added 1.21.1 Support
  • Added Skull Support (Thanks to MinerBeef)
  • Updated so displays show amount of reward (Thanks to MinerBeef)
  • Updated NBT Support
  • Fixed major gradle issues
  • General Code cleanup and optimisation
Thank you for reading this changelog, if you would like to view the code of the latest commit you can find it on GitHub:
----------, Oct 10, 2024


Change Log:

  • Added 1.20.6 Support
  • Added Hex Colour Support
Thank you for reading this changelog, if you would like to view the code of the latest commit you can find it on GitHub:
----------, May 10, 2024


Change Log:

  • Added 1.20.2 Support
Thank you for reading this changelog, if you would like to view the code of the latest commit you can find it on GitHub:
----------, Dec 3, 2023


Change Log:

  • Added 1.19.3 Support
  • Added customModelData support for rewards and crates
    Add customModelData: 0 (or the value you want) under the rewards/crates item section in the crates.yml
  • Added NBT support for rewards and crates
    Add the following under the rewards/crates item section in the crates.yml
    - 'key:value'
Thank you for reading this changelog, if you would like to view the code of the latest commit you can find it on GitHub:
----------, Jan 11, 2023


Change Log:

  • Added Command-Aliases section in the config.yml so you can now make sure your own command alias
    For default /cc and /crates etc. was removed since it conflicted with other plugins
----------, Feb 14, 2022


Change Log:

  • Fixed bug causing the whole plugin not to run (forgot that java doesn't have a Pair system besides JavaFX and some server jars don't have it included)
----------, Feb 4, 2022

Hello, I've been recently working on a full recode of this plugin and finally, it's completed.
The recode is one made from scratch but there won't be many visual changes besides more optimised code and overall better usability

There are now also more configurability options for the animation, you can either regenerate the whole file and start from scratch or replace the animation section for every crate with the following:​
Code (YAML):
: 5
: true
: " "
: [ ]
: "&7&l???"
           - '&7Click to redeem an item'
            - '&7from this monthly crate'
: "&c&lLOCKED"
           - '&7You must unlock all other rewards'
            - '&7to obtain the bonus item'
: "&7&l???"
           - '&7Click to redeem your'
            - '&7bonus reward'

All of this plugin was coded on stream on my Twitch so check it out and follow up to be notified next time I stream:
----------, Feb 2, 2022

Change Log:
  • Added 1.17.1 Support
  • Massive recode of the plugin, you can check on github to view what was changed. It was mainly some recodes but also formatting of the packages and structure of the plugin.
----------, Aug 14, 2021

Change Log:
  • Added 1.16.4 Support
  • Removed a ton of useless code and redone some of the plugin
----------, Nov 9, 2020

Change Log:
  • Added support for 1.15
  • Updated NBT Library to 1.15 update
  • Fixed issues with item parsing
----------, Jan 2, 2020

Change Log:
  • Fixed issue with error coming for 1.14
  • Added auto amount, if you forget to add the amount it will automatically set it to 1
  • Added better NBT system
  • Added better version management
----------, Sep 22, 2019

Change Log:
  • Added title to the inventory title when the animation is active.
  • Added function that increases the number of slots due to the number of crates
  • Fixed the /cc command
  • Fixed some issues with reward parsing
----------, Sep 20, 2019

Change Log:
  • Added 'duplicate-rewards' option that you can add under the animation section. Meaning you can choose if a reward is picked once.
  • Added bStats implementation so I can see what version people are mainly using
  • Added some code adjustments to make the plugin work a bit faster.
  • Fixed issues with config.yml
  • Fixed issue with crates not working if you had less than 9 rewards
----------, Sep 12, 2019

Change Log:
  • Added 'duplicate-rewards' option that you can add under the animation section. Meaning you can choose if a reward is picked once.
  • Added bStats implementation so I can see what version people are mainly using
  • Added some code adjustments to make the plugin work a bit faster.
----------, Sep 12, 2019

Change Log:
  • Added giveall command
    /monthlycrate giveall <Crate> <DropItemIfInventoryIsFull> <BroadcastMessage>
  • Removed some unnessarsary checks in the config
  • Removed some more useless code cause we are not about that life.
  • Added a blanket of support for item parsing in 1.14

If you do enjoy this plugin please feel free to leave a donation so I can carry on and do more free plugins. CLICK HERE
----------, Sep 7, 2019

Change Log:
  • Added 1.14.4 Support
  • Added better item parsing
  • Fixed issues with lag spikes
  • Fixed issues with frame lag

If you do enjoy this plugin please feel free to leave a donation so I can carry on and do more free plugins. CLICK HERE
----------, Sep 5, 2019

After what seems like forever this plugin is no longer in beta stage! Meaning this plugin is fine to be used on running servers.
If you do find some bugs or issues please do not use the review section as a way to contact me, use my PMS or discord server for support.
Change Log:
  • Added better reward loading
  • Added better system backend
  • Redone a lot of the code
  • Added /cc or /cosmiccrate (Adjustments in config.yml)
  • Fixed issue with enchantments

If you do enjoy this plugin please feel free to leave a donation so I can carry on and do more free plugins. CLICK HERE
----------, Aug 30, 2019

PLEASE NOTE: This is a beta version of this plugin. Meaning I would not advise you to run this on a working server. Also, this means I will not be giving any support at all for these versions.
Update/Change Log:
+ Added ability to customise the animation (Add the following)
Code (YAML):
: 5
+ Adjusted the animation system
+ Pushed latest code to Github

Bug Fixes:
+ Fixed issues with the chance system
+ Redone Collection system.

It's been a while since I've been able to work on this plugin. I would just like to mention this plugin is not a right, it's a privilege. Please do not be rude when contacting me about this plugin.

I will be working on making this plugin more stable over this month and it should be out of beta really soon.

PLEASE NOTE: I do not plan on adding a 'cosmicprisons animation' or 'saicopvp animation' to this plugin. If you would like to see something like these then check out my plugin EliteLootbox, I will be adding those to that plugin.

This is the beta version of the plugin so some stuff like the animation is not 100% completed however the plugin still works flawlessly. If you do enjoy this plugin please feel free to leave a donation so I can carry on and do more free plugins. CLICK HERE
----------, Jul 24, 2019

PLEASE NOTE: This is a beta version of this plugin. Meaning I would not advise you to run this on a working server. Also this means I will not be giving any support at all for these versions.
Update/Change Log:
+ Added Enchantments to rewards (Section name is enchants)
+ Added Amount to rewards (Section name is amount)
+ Added both enchantments and amount to addreward command

Bug Fixes:
+ Fixed issues with /mc addreward
+ Fixed issues with NPE with materials
+ Fixed issues with slots being able to be taken out

It's been a while since I've been able to work on this plugin. I would just like to mention this plugin is not a right, it's a privillage. Please do not be rude when contacting me about this plugin.

I will be working on making this plugin more stable over this month and it should be out of beta really soon.

PLEASE NOTE: I do not plan on adding a 'cosmicprisons animation' or 'saicopvp animation' to this plugin. If you would like to see something like these then check out my plugin EliteLootbox, I will be adding those to that plugin.

This is the beta version of the plugin so some stuff like the animation are not 100% completed however the plugin still works flawlessly. If you do enjoy this plugin please feel free to leave a donation so I can carry on and do more free plugins. CLICK HERE
----------, Jul 22, 2019

PLEASE NOTE: This is a beta version of this plugin. Meaning I would not advise you to run this on a working server. Also this means I will not be giving any support at all for these versions.
Update/Change Log:
+ Adjusted some mechancis backend

Bug Fixes:
+ Fixed issues with /mc addreward
+ Fixed issues with crates breaking with less than 9 rewards
  • Crates will not work unless you have atleast 9 rewards set
+ Fixed issues with NPE with materials
+ Fixed percentile system (Not 100% sure but if you having an issue then please a .0 to the end of the chance)
+ Fixed issues with GUI freezing
+ Fixed issues with slots being able to be taken out

It's been a while since I've been able to work on this plugin. I would just like to mention this plugin is not a right, it's a privillage. Please do not be rude when contacting me about this plugin.

I will be working on making this plugin more stable over this month and it should be out of beta really soon.

PLEASE NOTE: I do not plan on adding a 'cosmicprisons animation' or 'saicopvp animation' to this plugin. If you would like to see something like these then check out my plugin EliteLootbox, I will be adding those to that plugin.

This is the beta version of the plugin so some stuff like the animation are not 100% completed however the plugin still works flawlessly. If you do enjoy this plugin please feel free to leave a donation so I can carry on and do more free plugins. CLICK HERE
----------, Jun 29, 2019

PLEASE NOTE: This is a beta version of this plugin. Meaning I would not advise you to run this on a working server. Also this means I will not be giving any support at all for these versions.
[​IMG] Update/Change Log:
+ Added /monthlycrate addreward

Bug Fixes:
+ Fixed issues with crates being removed without animation
+ Fixed default configuration to now include bonus reward section in the right place (Remove the crates.yml and restart the server)

This is the beta version of the plugin so some stuff like the animation are not 100% completed however the plugin still works flawlessly. If you do enjoy this plugin please feel free to leave a donation so I can carry on and do more free plugins. CLICK HERE
----------, May 4, 2019

I have recently recoded the whole plugin from scratch. I have added a ton of optimisations along with a more supportive system. I have added/done the following things:
  • Redone MonthlyCrate Animation
  • Recoded the whole plugin from scratch
  • Added NBT Checking
  • Added a more smooth and easy to use system
  • Added new Command System with Tab completions
  • Added 1.13.2 support
  • Added Configurable messages
  • Added more configurations files (organised)
This is the beta version of the plugin so some stuff like the animation are not 100% completed however the plugin still works flawlessly. If you do enjoy this plugin please feel free to leave a donation so I can carry on and do more free plugins. CLICK HERE

PLEASE NOTE: This is a beta version of this plugin. Meaning I would not advise you to run this on a working server. Also this means I will not be giving any support at all for these versions.
----------, May 3, 2019

[​IMG] Update/Change Log:
+ Optimised the plugin a ton backend wise

Bug Fixes:
+ Fixed issues with this plugin and EliteArmor not working when both on a server
+ Fixed issues with config.yml not generating properly.

Upcoming Updates:
+ IN-Game Reward editor
+ Separate file for crates
+ Multiple Animations
----------, Feb 21, 2019

Update/Change Log:
+ Added auto-suggestions to all commands
+ Redone all commands
+ Optimised the plugin a load

Bug Fixes:
+ Fixed issues with NullPointerExceptions on animation
----------, Feb 4, 2019

As you know i haven't been active with this project, i have lost all interest in it to be quite honest. In a few days the plugin will be handed over to @Splodgebox who will care for it more than i did and update it regularly, thanks for all the support on it when i obtained it, you've been wonderful.
----------, Feb 3, 2019

NOTE: This is not the finished 2.0 build and will have bugs, use on live server at your own risk.
  • Fixed null pointer errors (Name is Null)
  • Fixed once-per-item feature
    • You must have 9 items in your normal-rewards section for this feature to work.
  • Fixed Several Duplication Glitches involved with Freecam
  • Redundancy Cleanup
  • Fixed the issue with only being able to use Ender Chests as crate items.
  • Potential fix for the 5zig mod Duplication Glitch Thanks to (@Noble Pro) for reporting
Future Updates!
  • Different GUIs (Choose Between Saico, Cosmic and Custom GUIs)
  • Have the option to set your own /mcrate command to be whatever you want it to be
  • Customisable messages.yml file
Thanks for all the patience and suggestions, much more to come.
----------, Jan 29, 2019

This is just an update to let you all know a re-code is beginning tonight and we should have a dev build by the morning. This will fix the one-per-item issue and crate removal issues. If you have any further suggestions for last-minute additions, please message me now.
----------, Jan 18, 2019

Fixed a crate removal issue on Spigot 1.9+ builds.
----------, Dec 1, 2018

Fixed an InventoryClickEvent issue on PaperSpigot builds 1500 and Higher.
----------, Dec 1, 2018

This update fixes an issue with crates not being removed from inventory in 1.0x builds. Thanks, @Noble Pro for reporting :)
----------, Dec 1, 2018

Hey, thanks for the support in the 1.0x series. I have decided to make the 1.0x builds open source and work on a brand new 2.0x series for you all which re-codes every feature whilst adding new ones. Thanks once again for the support, we'll be back soon.​
----------, Sep 3, 2018

MonthlyCrates v1.13.1 [26/08/18]
Two in one day? Amazing :)

ADDED: TacoSpigot 1.7-1.12 Support
----------, Aug 26, 2018

MonthlyCrates v1.13 [26/08/18]
NOTE: I am in the middle of re-coding parts of the plugin. I have been extremely busy and still am so it will take a little time, i work on my spigot projects when i have the time. I am still taking bug reports. However, if you have an issue with the crates not removing from inventory when an item apart from Ender Chest, do not report as I know about this. Expect an update shortly :)

FIXED: Boss Shop + ProtocolLib Plugin Issues. Please download the latest ProtocolLib build from here.
FIXED: Random NullPointer Errors

Thanks for reporting these issues, expect a bigger update soon :)
----------, Aug 26, 2018

MonthlyCrates v1.12 [24/08/18]
NOTE: I am in the middle of re-coding parts of the plugin. I have been extremely busy and still am so it will take a little time, i work on my spigot projects when i have the time. I am still taking bug reports. However, if you have an issue with the crates not removing from inventory when an item apart from Ender Chest, do not report as I know about this. Expect an update shortly :)

REMOVED: Removed the /cc alias as it was conflicting with other plugins.
RECODED: Recoded parts of the plugin for optimized functionality.
----------, Aug 24, 2018

MonthlyCrates v1.11 [21/08/18]

NOTE: You need to refresh your config when updating to this version.
Support Discord:

FIXED: Fixed the final Duplication Exploit. Thanks @CorruptedFile_
  • When opening the crate and you hit a different slot on your keyboard, it wouldn't take away the crate
FIXED: NullPointers & Out of bounds exceptions being thrown into console when opening a crate.
FIXED: Fixed issue where more than one crate was being taken away when opening.
FIXED: Fixed Final Countdown timer getting stuck
RECODED: Crate Removal Method
ADDED: /cc, monthlycrate aliases
REDUCED: Reduced file size to 35KB

Thank you to everyone who has reported these issues <3
----------, Aug 21, 2018

MonthlyCrates v1.10 [21/08/18]

FIXED: Fixed the final Duplication Exploit. Thanks @CorruptedFile_
  • When opening the crate and you hit a different slot on your keyboard, it wouldn't take away the crate
----------, Aug 21, 2018

This isn't an update!!!


ADDED: Support Discord @
----------, Aug 21, 2018

NOTE: Last Update Log was a little buggy so i re-posted. :)
MonthlyCrates v1.9 [21/08/18]
NOTE: Please Delete your current config when updating to this version. <3
ADDED: Crate Sounds [1.8+]
FIXED: Fixed the remaining % issues

Configuration Changes
All sounds can be customized. Here is a list of sounds available to you;

Open - Sound the Crate makes when Opening
Close - Sound the Crate makes when Closing
Rolling - Sound the Crate makes when Rolling 9 Rewards
Countdown - Sound the Crate makes when the final Reward is about to become available.

Disclaimer: Rolling is a little buggy and still being worked on. Please be aware that this isn't the final sounds version and it will continue to be updated in future versions.
----------, Aug 21, 2018

MonthlyCrates v1.8 [20/08/18]
NOTE: Please Delete your current config when updating to this version. <3
ADDED: 1.7-1.12.2 Support
FIXED: Monthly Crate not disappearing when spam opening it. Thank you @xChampyyy for reporting.
FIXED: Percentages issue. Thank you @aarpn for reporting.
MonthlyCrates v1.8 Documentation

Since taking over this project, i have received a lot of messages regarding different subjects. Here is a small list of things that should answer everybody's questions.
I keep getting the same item more than once. I have enabled once-per-item. What can i do?
  • To begin with, you need to have 9 or more rewards in the normal-rewards section in order for this to work. Since you can get 9 normal rewards, it needs 9 minimum to give you one of each reward. If you have 8 rewards, a reward will have to be given twice in order for you to gain all 9 rewards. Remember, you can have more than 9 normal rewards if you wish.
How can i change the delay on the roll before it chooses my reward?
  • All you have to do for this is go into your config.yml file and change the following option;
Code (Text):
ScrambleAnimationRunsPerItem: 40
Since the timer was a little quick, i have gone and edited the time myself and increased it by 30. This should give it a longer delay, feel free to make it longer if you wish.


What's Next?
I will be working to bring new features every week. However, i need your guys to help do so. If you have any suggestions, feel free to message me them for a chance to be featured in next update.

1) Crate AdminGUI
2) Crate Sounds and Particles

UI / Message Updates
I know, the messages were plain and boring. So, i've gone ahead and spiced them up a little. :)


----------, Aug 20, 2018


My name is Minerbeef. I have recently been handed over this project by a good friend of mine @BourneDev. I have some immediate changes that i will be implemented very shortly. If you're currently having issues with 1.7, pm me and i will be more than happy to help out.
----------, Aug 19, 2018

I have fixed any issues with the last update. It should be working perfectly now.
----------, Aug 5, 2018

As requested by @ItzNic and @Rayhon27, I have added a command to add items to crates. What you do is, you put the item you want to add to your hand, and you type a command to add it to a configuration section.

The format is:
Code (Text):
/mcrate addItem <crateName> <type:(normal or final)> <chance> <giveItem:(if false, command is used)> <command:(don't put anything here if giveItem is true)>
Examples can be, if I was holding a diamond sword and I wanted to add the item to the "normal" section and I wanted it to give a diamond sword I could type:

Code (Text):
/mcrate addItem January normal 50 true
The number 50 sets the chance to 50, but you can make it whatever you want as long as it's a whole number and it's not a negative.

Here is a command example:

Code (Text):
/mcrate addItem January final 50 false ss give %player% cow
This would be if I want the item in hand to show up as an icon, but I want the reward to give the player a silk spawner cow. Since I put "final" the reward is in the final section.

Have fun guys! This is a long awaited update and I worked hard on it.
----------, Aug 5, 2018

- You can now make Skull rewards.

- You can now set reward amounts!

- /mcrate bug where you can take items out of the gui has been fixed.

If you don't have the amount section on your items in your config, you will have to add this if you want to use this update.
----------, Aug 4, 2018

If you enable this option at the very bottom of your config by setting it to true:

Code (Text):
once-per-item: false
You will only be able to win the same reward once. So lets say you get a monthly sword, you will not be able to win that monthly sword again because you cannot get the same reward (in this case the monthly sword) twice.

I would recommend you have loads of rewards (like 20 plus) if you want this option so that it makes sense to your players, but if you only decide to have like four items for example it will win all of them and then go back to as if this option was false and it would give completely random items again.
----------, Apr 23, 2018

Added a new %crate#% placeholder to the storage-inv that is the number of crates in the gui.

I also added a donation button to the description for anyone who wants to support my hard work by donating <3
----------, Apr 19, 2018

1. You are now able to right-click the monthly crate to open the gui without immediately starting the "animation". Only when you start the animation shall the crate be removed and you are restricted from closing the inventory.

2. /mcrate has been replaced with an inventory where players can view all the crate types. This inventory is configurable (config update will be shown in the example of the front description). The help command is now /mcrate help.
----------, Apr 18, 2018

The gui will now use the name that is actually in the config, and ItemData has been added to the config. Change it to -1 if it uses no ItemData. Please add ItemData to anything that has it in the example if you have already downloaded before.

----------, Apr 17, 2018

I forgot to add a default config for the help message in the /mcrate command! I have done this now.
----------, Apr 16, 2018

Resource Information
Total Downloads: 20,270
First Release: Apr 16, 2018
Last Update: Oct 10, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
60 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
-- ratings