Hello my friends, the new major update dropped bringing plenty of new features and bug fixes.
Plugin is now native to 1.21. And we removed support for 1.18 due to drastic packet changes. Also the name of the plugin changed to ModernCombat (formerly ModernKnockback)
New features:
Block-hitting / Sword Blocking (1.21.4+ only) With the new minecraft update it's now possible to bring back block hitting like it was in 1.8.8. We're using NBTEditor and ProtocolLib to make this possible. It's also possible to modify how much damage you'd like to block when player is blocking with a sword.
Legacy Mechanics Legacy mechanics such as legacy tool damage, legacy potions, off hand disabling, elytra disabling, lapis enchanting, legacy burn delay, legacy health regen, legacy saturation, legacy armor, legacy projectiles etc...So there's no need to use other plugins to achieve this anymore!
Anti-Glitch Pearls Implementation of anti-glitch pearls to modern versions.
Knockback-Sync (Beta) Implementation of knockback-sync system that is latency agnostic to our Knockback system. Will result in the same knockback despite the users latency or any other factors. This is still in beta and bugs can occur. It's our own implementation of this feature.
Module for item behaviors Items like shields, end crystals, respawn anchors, totems are completely configurable now and can be modified to fit your specific needs. For example custom explosions, custom explosion damage, shields can be disabled by arrows, fishing rods.
Cooldown system Completely configurable cooldown system with 3 presets for god apples, enderpearls, totems (can be removed). Can be modified in cooldown.yml to add new cooldowns.
New Legacy Swimming mode Now you can enable legacy swimming to disable the swimming animation. We use packets to achieve this so it's completely safe server-side.
Configurable critical hits We've made it so criticals hits are completely configurable and we removed old criticals from the game
And much more! Check and see.
Improvements and bug fixes:
Bedrock aim assist now uses packets to change yaw and pitch of the user. player#setRotation was unstable and didn't work correcly.
Improved the bow boosting logic.
Improved GUI. Now the plugin knockback is completely GUI based!
Improved Server Side Hit Detection packet handling.
Added fishingRod specific knockback configuration options for knockback system.
Plugin now uses Dependency Injection and Automatic dependency installation to drastically reduce file size and improve buyer experience.
New lag compensation mechanism for knockback sync and hit detection.
Old sound effects (removed new combat attack sounds)