What this plugin gives you:
Mob Spill Plus - Fundamental in mobs, items, spawners!.
This plugin makes you able to create customized items, mobs, and spawner.
Current features
Create customitems for your server!
Create custommobsfor your server!
Create customSpawners for your server!
Available versions:
1.18.2 +
Available commands:
View attachment 856138
/customItem <create> <itemName> <itemMaterial> //Creates custom item.
/customItem <delete> <itemName> //Deletes the custom item.
/customItem <give> <PlayerName> <itemName> //Gives the custom item to players.
/customMob <create> <mobName> <mobType> //Creates custom mobs
/customMob <delete> <mobName> //Deletes existing mob
/customSpawner <set> <mobName> //Sets the target spawner to custom spawner!
This plugin i in beta right now!
What will come in Version 1.1 {
Adding custom items to custom mobs drop!
Creating spawner items!
Custom items will be fully customizable }