End Of Life for SlimeDog/MobColors
SlimeDog/MobColors reached end-of-life on 2024-07-21.
See THE WIKI for more details.
The WIKI for supported versions.
MobColors manages mob colors and variants, on a server-wide or per-world basis. Any or all of the following mob-types may be managed:
— axolotl
— cat
— fox
— frog
— horse
— llama
— mooshroom
— parrot
— rabbit
— sheep
— shulker
— tropical_fish
— wolf
To avoid surprises, no mob-types are enabled by default.
Coloration is generally triggered by player movement through the world, but can also be forced with
commands or by third-party chunk generators. With the exception of the distance-based commands, commands may be run at the console. If permissions are explicitly granted, commands may be run in-game.
Leashed mobs and
MyPet pets and trader llamas may be included or excluded. Of course, individual sheep and shulkers may be re-colored with dyes.
Mob-types that do not exist in your server version -- for example, axolotl in MC 1.14.4 -- will throw a console/log warning if enabled, but are otherwise ignored.
MobColors is fully documented in the configuration files. More information about everything related to
MobColors may be found on
THE WIKI. Look there first for help with installation, configuration, localization, commands & permissions, FAQs, and more.
bStats metrics are enabled by default. They may be disabled in the configuration. We appreciate the usage statistics, and hope that you will leave them enabled. All information may be publicly viewed on
We appreciate any kind of feedback and we offer fast support.
Help understanding features, installation, and configuration
THE WIKI contains extensive documentation of all things
MobColors. New questions are added to the FAQs when appropriate, or incorporated directly into the existing documentation.
Start with
THE WIKI. Please do not be offended if we respond to a question by linking back to
THE WIKI. It gets really boring answering the same questions over and over, when the answers are easy to find on
Please read through the Installation and Configuration guide, the FAQs, and any other sections which are relevant to your question before seeking support elsewhere.
Once you have explored
THE WIKI, please seek further help in the following places:
GitHub: The Best Place for Bug Reports and Feature Requests
If your issue is not addressed on
THE WIKI, or you want to make a feature request, please open an
issue on GitHub and follow the templates. If you do not have a GitHub account, we strongly urge you to
create one It is free and easy, and makes tracking issues so much easier.
SpigotMC Discussion Forum
If your issue is not addressed on
THE WIKI, and you do not have a GitHub account, please post a message on the Discussion forum. We monitor the forum actively. Please include relevant information to help us answer the question, including Spigot version and MobColors version. We may move the information to an
issue for tracking.
Please avoid posting full console logs in the Discussion forum. Use
pastebin or a similar service.
A word or two about Reviews
We love reviews. But please ... reviews are not the place to post questions or bug reports.
Issues posted in reviews will be ignored. We hope they will be replaced with more positive reviews when the issues are resolved.