[1.8.0] MM skill compatibility improvements & bug fixes
1.17 support
Fixed an issue with the player_placedblock tag
Skills now always have manaand staminamodifiers
Major API changes or additions
Added a few events including an AsyncPlayerLoadEvent
Skill API refactor
Loot chests refactor
Added an option to also save data from the default player class, when changing class.
All damage/healing holograms were moved over to MythicLib which now also uses holograms from the Mythic plugins
New placeholder: %mmocore_party_count% which displays party members count
{mana} can be used in the no-mana message to display the mana name.
Fixed an issue with double drops involving MMOCore drop tables
Major improvements in MythicMobs skill compatibility
<mmocore.modifier.SkillName.modifier_name> was replaced by <modifier.modifier_name>. MMOCore now uses skill-scope variables to cache skill modifiers so that you don't have to specify the skill name.
Same for player stats! Instead of using PAPI placeholders like %mmocore_stat_(stat_name)% which do not always work, use <stat.stat_name> which works literally anywhere in a skill mechanic.
Added <cooldown.mmocore_skill_(skill_name)> which returns the remaining skill cooldown
Added <attribute.(attribute_name)> which returns the attribute value
If conditions are not met, the skill will not be cast, the cooldown will not be applied, mana won't be consumed, etc. Full target conditions support.
New skill mechanic: mmodamage{amount=...} (see wiki for more info) has the same format as the default damage mechanic, but it supports everything in MythicLib as if you were attacking an entity using an item from MMOItems or through a MMOCore skill.
Fixed an issue with the entities you could target using skills.
Fixed an issue with the permission drop table condition
Fixed an issue with configurable sounds, using volume as pitch instead of the value provided by the config
Fixed an NPE with /friends
Fixed an important issue with loot chest player cooldowns.
Fixed an issue with the craftitem experience source. Shift clicking is now supported!
Empty quest objective lores are now supported, these will hide the player boss bar
Player stats now update when using /mmocore reload
Skills are now cleared when changing class
Changing class now updates the exp bar
WorldGuard flag names were changed, here is the new list