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MMOCore -----

Offer your players a brand new RPG experience.

Large Changelog Please Read
Note: Updating to this build requires you go download the latest version of MythicLib (the old MMOLib) and replace the old MMOLib jar with this MythicLib jar, it will also generate a new plugin folder for MythicLib.

Another note, please don't leave 1 star reviews because we "haven't updated the plugin in a month", we update the plugin nearly daily/weekly over in our development builds on the mythicmobs discord. Please join that.

+ Fixes craftitem experience source providing XP when non-stackable is clicked
+ Removed health scaling (moved to MMOLib)
+ Properly close MySQL connections when server shuts down
+ Item drops added by MMOCore are now dropped more naturally and have a much lower (if not 0%) chance of glitching through the ceiling Also increased the spawn height of Fishing Holograms
+ Fixed two random NPE
+ The F keybind can now be fully customized THIS DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN CHANGE THE KEY!!! This means you can change what happens when pressing F or when pressing F when sneaking. Check newest config.yml for more information
+ Added integer placeholders available for MythicMobs skills
+ Added a sounds.yml file where you can configure a few of the sounds played in MMOCore. Contains configurations for class select, attribute points, waypoint sounds and more.
+ Fixed not being able to exit spell casting when sneaking despite setting spell cast to sneak-F
+ UNSTABLE - Added conditions to MMOCore custom mining blocks so you can configure certain blocks per region.
+ Fixed yet another another ANOTHER Player must be online error
+ Added a check to prevent playerdata from saving when it hasn't been fully loaded yet
+ Fixed bug that allowed blocks to be broken when no block info was found
+ Added some functional placeholders: %mmocore_is_casting% %mmocore_in_combat%
+ Buff based skills can now be cast on party members
+ Fixed blockstates resetting when normal blocks were regenerated using custom mining
+ Item Durability is now properly decreased when fishing/custom mining
+ Changed CustomPlayerFishEvent
+ Fixed MMOCore not decreasing durability on custom mining/fishing if the item has full durability
+ IMPORTANT In the latest builds of MMOCore the format for disabling vanilla drops with custom mining has changed!
vanilla-drops: false
is now:
vanilla-drops: false
+ Potentially fixed class-chosen triggers firing on wrong class.
+ Added new "should-cobblestone-generators-give-exp" config option to config.yml, regenerate your config or add this option manually.
+ fix bug where party invitations aren't expired when party is already full
+ Fixed 'protect-custom-mine' not working.
+ Fixed Playerdata loss issue 100% (thanks to Carlitos)
+ Made SQL connections more stable.
----------, Feb 7, 2021
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 5,130
First Release: Sep 24, 2019
Last Update: Oct 23, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
148 ratings
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