MissionPouches 1.16.0
Library Updates
- Updated NBT-API, XSeries and a couple of other libraries to their latest version.
Feature Updates
- 1.21.3 is now supported.
MissionPouches 1.15.2
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue on startup when using 1.21.1.
MissionPouches 1.15.1
Library Updates
- Updated NBT-API to the latest version.
Feature Updates
- 1.21.1 is now fully supported without any errors.
MissionPouches 1.15.0
Library Updates
- Updated NBT-API, XSeries and a couple of other libraries to their latest version.
Feature Updates
- 1.20.6 and 1.21 are now fully supported without any errors.
- Pouches are now searched recursively in the pouches folder. This means that your pouches can be within folders inside the pouches folder.
MissionPouches 1.14.0
API Updates
- Added a BiFunction with ConfigurationSection and ItemStack as its parameter. The new ItemStack parameter is the pouch item. This allows you to modify the item when it gets passed to your expansion.
New External Expansion
- Unique Kills - available now on Discord!
MissionPouches 1.13.0
Library Updates
- Updated NBT-API, XSeries and a couple of other libraries to their latest version.
Feature Updates
- 1.20.4 is now fully supported without any errors.
MissionPouches 1.12.0
Library Updates
- Updated NBT-API, XSeries and a couple of other libraries to their latest version.
Feature Updates
- 1.20.2 is now fully supported without any errors.
MissionPouches 1.11.1
Library Updates
- Updated Adventure, NBT-API, and a couple of other libraries to their latest version.
Feature Updates
- 1.20 is now fully supported without any errors.
- Added optional permission checks to the random actions. Check out the wiki!
MissionPouches 1.10.1
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a critical dupe issue. Details on this won't be shared, but I recommend updating to this version as soon as possible.
Library Updates
- Updated Adventure, NBT-API, and a couple of other libraries to their latest version.
Feature Updates
- 1.19.4 is now fully supported without any errors. It was supported previous to this update, but there was a warning in the console.
MissionPouches 1.10.0
Feature Updates
- Added a "pouch weight" option. This is used for the /missionpouches giverandom command. Check out the wiki for more information.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where a negative weight would cause issues.
MissionPouches 1.9.1
Feature Updates
- Added a giverandom command. It takes a player argument. Example: /mp giverandom <Player>. It'll give a random pouch.
MissionPouches 1.9.0
Feature Updates
- Added an upgrade pouch option - this will allow players to combine 9 pouches of the same type, and convert it into one pouch of another type. This was requested by an user. To use this feature, check out the wiki.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where cancelled events would trigger progress.
MissionPouches 1.8.0
Feature Updates
- API updates:
- The main plugin instance can now be accessed with MissionPouches.getInstance().
- MissionManager access has been added to the API as well, so you can register your own mission types without an expansion.
- MissionCheckPouchesEvent has been added - this'll be fired when an expansion checks for pouches.
- Updated BoostedYAML configuration library.
MissionPouches 1.7.0
Feature Updates
- Added a built-in random generator placeholder. Use {random:<min>-<max>} in an action to generate a random number with those bounds.
- Updated Adventure library.
- Updated XSeries library.
MissionPouches 1.6.1
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where an error was thrown when crafting items.
MissionPouches 1.6.0
Feature Updates
- Added an option to keep pouches on death. More information on the wiki.
Internal Updates
- Updated Adventure version.
MissionPouches 1.5.0
Feature Updates
- Added 2 new performance options:
--- Cache writing, which will write data in bulk. This option is experimental.
--- Hotbar Only, this will make it so only hotbar slots are checked. Drastically reduces the amount of slots to check.
MissionPouches 1.4.1
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Console actions were executed as the player.
MissionPouches 1.4.0
WARNING: Minor API update. Please update your external expansions.
Feature Updates
- The expansion system can now set progress instead of only adding to the current progress. This is used in the new PlaceholderAPI expansion.
- Added PouchClickEvent to the API.
New External Expansion
- PlaceholderAPI - available now on Discord!
MissionPouches 1.3.0
Feature Updates
- Added shaped recipe support! This will allow pouches to be craftable. Supports all parameters, even expire time!
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where legacy version item format was messed up.
MissionPouches 1.2.1
Feature Updates
- You can now specify amount in /mp give and /mp giveall. Syntax:
/mp give <Player> <Pouch> [Amount]
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a rare issue where a NBTAPI error was thrown sometimes.
MissionPouches 1.2.2
Bug Fixes
- Fixed wrong time unit in the Title action.
MissionPouches 1.2.1
Feature Updates
- Added bStats metrics. This is used so I can know the amount of servers that are using the plugin. You can opt out of this. Instructions are in the plugin page.
- Added 2 new actions: Broadcast (was added on the last version but forgot to mention it), and Title. Check the wiki!
MissionPouches 1.2.0
WARNING: Major internal API refactor. If you're using external expansions, you'll need to update them.
Feature Updates
- The expansion system has been revamped and is now even more flexible. Expansions can now create their own configuration files, register multiple mission types, and more.
- Added the option to set how many random actions will be fired.
- Added a warning when an invalid mission type is specified in a pouch.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where a ClassNotFoundException was fired when calling another class from an extension.
- Fixed an issue where placeholders would break when progress was added to a pouch.
New External Expansion
- EconomyShopGUI - available now on Discord!
API Refactor
- This version introduces a major API change, allowing for more flexibility and making it easier to develop expansions. More information on the wiki.
MissionPouches 1.1.2
Feature Updates
- Added a new command: /mp giveall <Pouch>. This will give a pouch to all online players.
New External Expansion
- CrateReloaded - available now on Discord!
MissionPouches 1.1.1
Feature Updates
- Added single progress mode - a configuration option that will set whether all pouches will get progress, or just one.
- Added tab complete support for pouches in /mp give.
- Added a configuration option to drop the item if the target player's inventory is full when using /mp give.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an error that was thrown when parameters were empty. Now if no parameters are specified, it'll pass all checks.
MissionPouches 1.1.0
Feature Updates
- Added single-mission mode for pouches - this will make it so only one mission from the list has to be completed to unlock the pouch.
- Added expiration - pouches can now have expiration times. Set in the pouch config as seconds.
- Added glow support for pouch items.
Check out the wiki for examples!
MissionPouches 1.0.1
Feature Updates
- Added support for CustomModelData. Only available for 1.14+ servers. Simply specify modelData in an item. More information on the wiki.
- Added support for PlaceholderAPI when executing actions.
New External Expansion
- MythicMobs - available now on Discord!