This plugin simply prevents Endermites from spawning after a player teleported using an Enderpearl - nothing else is being prevented.
This is a
minimalist plugin with exactly one function that is always active on the whole server and every world on it.
For years we've been using this as well as other minimalist plugins on our Bungee network on a per-server basis, meaning: we use it on some servers, but not on all of them.
This is the intended use.
Development of any additional features for this plugin ONLY depends on what our Bungee network requires.
So for now I am NOT planning on adding any additional features such as commands or configuration options.
If this plugin in its current (simplistic) form is just what you need, you can safely rely on it, because
this plugin will never be abandoned.
Also, if this doesn't seem to work for you, please keep in mind that this only blocks vanilla behavior and it only blocks endermites spawned by player-thrown enderpearls - if you have any plugins interfering in that vanilla behavior, then it might break what NoEnderpearlEndermites does. This does not override additions from other plugins!
On a sidenote: Giving a bad review for such a self-made problem won't help anyone.
v0.5 is intended for
Minecraft 1.15.x v0.6 is intended for
Minecraft 1.16.x v0.7 is intended for
Minecraft 1.17.x v0.8 is intended for
Minecraft 1.18.x v0.9 is intended for
Minecraft 1.19.x v0.10.1 is intended for
Minecraft 1.20 (mildly tested)
1.21.1-r1 is intended for Minecraft