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MineScape Combat -----

Combat Skills Based on Everyone's Favorite MMO!

MineScape Combat is a highly customizable plugin based on the popular MMORPG Runescape, this plugin is still in relatively early stages and I expect there to be a few errors, if so please PM me about them.

6 Combat Styles with 5 Skills:

As of this current version leveling up provides no buffs however if you have a item with custom lore such as "Strength Requirement: 10" Players who do not have 10 strength or above will not be able to use the item.

There are a few commands that are subject to change in future updates as they are long but for testing purposes they work for now, they are as follows:

Lets you choose between the 4 attack styles

Lets you choose between the 2 ranged attack styles

Shows you your combat stats as well as your total combat level

Toggles the level up notification you receive in the chat box

This plugin also supports custom items, it has soft support for MMOITEMS and gives magic/ranged exp based on the weapon used respectfully, however you can also add the lore "[Magic]" or "[Ranged]" to custom items that you want to give magic or ranged exp.

Suggestions are always appreciated, this will be a slow developing plugin as it is not my main priority as well as work also being done on a similar skilling plugin.

Config Exmaple:

notifyLevelUp: true # Should Level notifications be turned on by default

#Base Experience = level 1 Times Multiplyer for each progessive level, level 2 = base time multiplyer, level 3 = base times muliplyer times mulitplyer
baseExp: 83
multiplier: 1.10
maxLevel: 99

# Number of Hitpoints levels required to gain an extra heart
hitpointsPerHeart: 7

# Experience rates for each style this number Times damage done as exp
strength: 1
attack: 1
defense: 1
controlled: 0.333 # Each exp type (Strength, Attack, Defence) gets 1/3 of the experience
range: 1
magic: 1
hitpoints: 0.5

# Default combat style (when a player joins for the first time) CONTROLLED, DEFENSIVE, AGILE, AGGRESSIVE
defaultStyle: CONTROLLED
Resource Information
Total Downloads: 16
First Release: Aug 29, 2024
Last Update: Aug 29, 2024
Category: ---------------
All-Time Rating:
0 ratings
Version -----
Released: --------------------
Downloads: ------
Version Rating:
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