Monopoly bank functionality using a chest, barrel or any shulker box in which game items are placed and removed from
US, UK and RU game localizations support
Player balance tracking using a scoreboard
Chance and Community chest cards randomization
Houses implementation using sea pickles (can be placed up to four in a single block)
Hotels lantern blocks immediate breaking without tools
Player head blocks immediate breaking (assumed to be tokens)
A book with links to get game items and a list and descriptions of all game properties
Built-in dice randomizer
Bank block breaking protection; game items consuming/placement protection
Anti-counterfeiting game items protection via NBT data
How to play? You just build a playing field, place a chest (can also be a barrel or a shulker box) somewhere and call /mp start <chest coordinates>! To get and remove game items use chat entries and the book you can get via /mp book <localization>. Houses and Hotels are meant to be placed on street cells; all other items are meant not to be used in any way except keeping in the inventory and transferring between the players. To finish the game return all the game items to the bank (and type "--" to remove them) and call /mp finish; if you can't return them one of the server operators (by default) should call /mp finish forced. Chat entries (only available during the game)